— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №155051
We are working on the new construction, repairing the electricity after the change of the project. Koreans work on the same floor, laying tiles. I ended my hump, I leave the apartment and go to the household, on the same floor through two apartments, of course, I leave the perforator on the hump. The Korean approaches, points his finger at the perforator and says:

Do not leave.

Yes well okay. I’ll be back for a moment, no one is here.

Do not leave. Sleep with smoke.

[ + 36 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №155050
Where were my eyes when we bought this apartment? My husband said this yesterday.

Initially, we tried not to make any common mistakes when choosing an apartment. Immediately looking for a good area, a relatively new house (2-3) year, so that the repairs neighbors did and immediately interested in the neighbors on the site and above us, not to buy an apartment with neighbors lovers of midnight walks. And here we found a suitable apartment, the neighbors were friendly and welcoming. They talked about all the advantages of living in their home (and why didn’t it alert us?). The apartment was sold by the military, he served in another city and from the moment of obtaining this apartment, he gave it to some woman, Zina, who lived alone and every month transferred money to him on the card. Zina turned out to be an Asian woman, aged 35-40. The apartment was virtually empty, in one room there was only a bed and a booth, and in the kitchen there was a table with taburets, a plate and a dishwasher. We looked at the apartment in the afternoon. The floors were washed, the toilet and bathroom smelled chlorine, like the whole apartment. We planned to quickly make a cosmetic repair - change the entrance door, wallpaper, bathroom, dishwasher, toilet and buy furniture. The money was allocated only for that. I was already in the eighth month of pregnancy, so we were looking for an apartment in a new house so that there was no need to do major repairs.

So, we looked at the apartment and agreed on the deal and safely eë spent. The owner of the apartment said that Zina, the guest, has already found the apartment, is moving today and will give the keys tomorrow. Since the apartment is empty, there is nothing to take, we did not worry. The next day, her husband called Zina, and she asked her to live for another week, but her husband refused and she said she would give us the keys at six or seven in the evening. She called at six and asked if we were going. We both stayed at work, and Zina said she would throw the keys into the mailbox. On that day, my husband had a competition among children's football teams. As long as the prizes were given to the winners, as long as all were photographed, as long as the inventory was removed - it was already 8 o'clock in the evening. We were tired, but we went again to look at our apartment, the keys we had with us. We found Zina’s key in the mailbox. But they could not open the door because it was locked and the key was in the lock from the inside. We were surprised, knocked, called, no one opened, and the lights burned in the windows. Then I pressed the call button and didn’t let go for 5 minutes. The door suddenly opened and some Moldavian appeared on the threshold and began to shake his hands and shout that he would now show us how to touch the calls of others. His husband did not touch him, he just cried, and considering the large sizes, sports bodybuilding and coach voice, the Moldavian immediately stopped waving his hands and began to say something about the fact that they can not go anywhere without passports.

They! Is he not alone? How many of them? My husband and I looked around, my husband told me to stand here, and I went into the apartment with this citizen. It turned out that there was still a aunt and bags with some things in the apartment. The aunt began to scream that they paid Zina for 3 months of residence, and she deceived them and stole their passports, and they are from Moldova and without passports they cannot. Her husband pushed her aside and went to check out the other rooms (the three-room apartment), he turned on the light in the dark room and I heard him sneeze. I thought there were a dozen more migrants sitting there, and it turned out that when he turned on the light, I saw a lot of bugs on the walls, on the floor and on the ceiling. I had never seen the bugs before that day and was just in shock. These Moldavians said that Zina handed over beds to migrants. There were 5-10 people in the rooms. We slept on the mattresses on the floor, there were a lot of bugs, and it stinks of the toilet in the apartment, because the toilet was one, and when it was its turn, they went to write, and sometimes not just to write to the bathroom.

Then I realized that on the day of our parish the whole apartment was washed with chlorine to stop the smell. The Moldovan man warned them that he knew no Zina, and since it was already night on the street, he allowed them to spend the night, and at 7:00 in the morning, so that they were not here, because he will come with the workers in the morning. This aunt tried to whisper that since this is now our apartment, we must now find that Zina because she stole their passports and owe somebody money there. Her husband cried something in Moldovan and she remained silent. We have gone. And then began the war with clowns and faces of different non-Russian nationalities. And if we defeated the bugs, harvesting everything to concrete, blocking all the gaps and rubbing them with stinking gas (the treatment was ordered at the sanitation station), then non-Russian personalities called and knocked on our door for about a year. We had to do the repair very quickly, which we did not expect and send all kinds of migrants in the woods, who broke in the door with the scream that they called Zina and transferred her money for accommodation on the card, and now let us open the door or give money, or they will now call the police and it will be worse. It was Pepe. For a year, we weighed those personalities who were looking for this Zina. And when we, in the case, asked the neighbor, why didn’t they tell us that there was such a trance? She looked at us surprised and said, “Yes, what? We so wanted the apartment to be bought by a Russian family and cleaned up all that mess."

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №155049
Why, regardless of the weight of the passenger, can a certain weight of luggage be taken on an airplane? It would be fair if you weigh less – you can take a heavier suitcase!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna