— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №151683
Customer: On one of our computers it looks darker and on the other lighter, so we tend to the lighter.

[ + 33 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №151682
There is such a myth that a man can become smarter.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №151681
not my own. Just found it on the net.
Today I want to tell you about the new way of divorce by the DPS employees. In this case, you will not have a chance to prove your right, because they have everything caught and prepared in advance. That day I went shopping in the city. Parking at the 5th floor, as usual. After 20 minutes, he left the supermarket, threw his bags into the trunk and went home. Approximately 500 meters later, I see the DPS car and the inspector, as the naked stopped me. He first asked for documents, and after inspection asked to get out of the car. He asked to approach the hood and pointed to the numbers. The numbers were covered with paper.

I was just confused, I didn’t know what to say about the surprise. The inspector read the text of the article that I broke. 12.2 part 2 of the Code of the Russian Federation on the management of vehicles with state registration marks equipped with special means preventing identification. A fine of 5,000 rubles and deprivation of rights from 1 to 3 months. An employee of the DPS threatened with deprivation of rights and a fine of 5,000 rubles, asked to enter the car where his colleague was sitting. He said that the protocol will be drawn up now. Of course I did not admit my guilt, but how can I prove my right? Immediately it is clear that this is an understatement. And I can only help with surveillance cameras, they are probably installed on the parking lot of every store. After all, that’s where I closed my number, it’s 100%. Do you often look at your car from all sides before you take the ride? That is what is calculated. But you understand that in order to obtain the viewing of video cameras, an investigation must be started. And it is not the fact that the camera recording will exist at all.

While one of the inspectors started drafting the protocol, the other asked me to get out of the car, and there decided to offer this option. Let what happened be a lesson for me, and the amount of 1500 rubles will be an adequate penalty, so that I do not stick my number again.

And I didn’t have any sense in clinging, I couldn’t prove that the number was not closed by me personally. So think for yourself who needs to close the registration number of the car, except the owner himself.

Unfortunate situation for the goats. A thousand and a half had to be paid. That’s better than paying $5,000 on a receipt. In principle, you could pay a fine with a discount of 50%, but it would still be a thousand more. Now, when I leave any store, I always check my numbers both in front and behind.

Next week I went to the store again. I turned to the security guard to find out if the cameras were working on the parking lot. It turned out that a month did not work. An amazing coincidence. The security guard does not matter.

This time I didn’t see the goats there, but they’re not stupid to pasture in the same place every day. I think there is a well thought out scheme with different points. The work scheme is simple. A store with a suitable parking is selected, where buyers can park their vehicles so that when they leave they will not see the front of the car. The suspect, most likely for a certain amount, glues a sheet of paper onto the victim’s car, after which, 500 meters from the store, a GIBDD employee stops the car with a glued number and begins to write out a fine. Proving anything is almost impossible. You can not count on the camera at the store, it is either not, or it is strangely not working or turned off. In this regard, everything is clearly thought out. No one will listen to your excuses in court. Who needs to stick the number on the car, except the owner himself, who wants to avoid fines for excess speed recorded by cameras. Naturally, it would be wiser to agree to 1500 than to pay much more on the receipt.

Tell your friends and acquaintances, share this post on social networks. Drivers, be careful, always check the numbers before you get into your car. Per the method is not so popular yet, but from getting into such a situation no one is insured, and tomorrow in my place you can provide.

[ + 34 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №151680
Vladimir Soloviev, the head of the Kremlin’s anti-Russian anti-Russian group, responded to a new round of anti-Russian sanctions with the purchase of another villa in Italy.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna