— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №147757
to this

The Universal Material

>> Who needs 300 kinds of building materials when the ordinary red brick replaces everything perfectly?

It is charming!
Well, we built a house, what will we cover? A brick and cover!
I have to choose the walls. The brick will be glued, it will be stylish.
- More pipes and sanitary equipment remained... Oh, yes.

Here you laugh, and under St. Petersburg in the village of Kandyula is a completely concrete house. It has everything concrete: the walls, the double roof, all the auxiliary structures around, the fence, the gate! All of this is a thickness of at least 50 cm.
Locals say the owner had unlimited access to concrete during the construction of the AES.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №147756
It was in the universe at first grade. Physics was taught by a middle-aged teacher. He had such a chip - he didn't let anyone into the audience after he himself entered it. All those who were late he sent out to walk.

I mean I go on a route to the universe. The first couple is physics. I look at the clock and I am late.

Suddenly I noticed that the same reed was sitting next to me.

The further dialogue:

I: Hi Vladimir Ivanovich.

A: Hi you young man. You have a chance not to be late today, but keep in mind I’m running fast.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №147755
> because they are healthy now. In the long run, the percentage of fat above normal increases the likelihood of heart attack and metabolic syndrome, which leads to diabetes.

Not the opposite? Do metabolic cracks lead to hard-to-smelt fat? You simply won’t check it. Growth above the norm also leads to overload of the heart, but this does not mean that cutting out the extra centimeters returns from the risk group back to the golden middle. To argue that this whole apple makes any sense, you need to take thousands of pairs of identical twins (or tens of thousands of pairs of randomly mixed people) with a slight superiority, and divide them into a control group that runs, jumps, cuts wood in the fresh air and weighs as much as possible, and a test group that does the same plus slightly restricts the diet to drive the weight into the statutory framework of domesticated diet leaders. And here on them already to see if the second is really healthier than the first years after 30.
And the stupid statistics that these are thicker and live less, and these are slimmer and live longer - this is the same statistics that are on the list after a gross lie. Because "the bull has two horns and two eggs", but this does not mean that one is the consequence of the other. There are two correlating consequences of one reason – the fact that it is a bull.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №147754
Member of KPSS

>> in the sex shop sells artificial members

Artificial members are sold in the prosthetic departments of hypermarkets.
For you, the word "member" is absolutely identical to MPH? In addition, in sex shops and artificial railways are sold, which, strictly speaking, is not a member.
Meanwhile, she suddenly rushed to the wataga and grabbed him under his mighty shoulders. He was moving with all his members, but they were no longer sinking to the ground, as was the case before, the gaiters who captured him. “Ah, old age, old age!” he said, and the fat old Cossack cried.
This is rough, right? Bulb is multi-member.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №147753
How is it? We baked a spice house with the nieces, 10 minutes ago I washed the apartment and we installed a fire alarm on the spot.

[ + 33 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №147752
I go home, I approach my entrance. A grandmother comes to me and says, “Oh, you’re a snuck, why did you take my table?” By the way, these grandmothers are always, all the days, sitting under the corner of the entrance, and they always had a taburet there. I replied to my grandmother, "Why do I have this table, I didn't take it," but the answer was only, "Well, hold on..."

Two days passed. I go out of the apartment and see that there are 3 bags of garbage lying near my door, and judging by the smell, there was a rotting fish. It was not hard to guess who left those packages. I put on gloves, took garbage bags and threw them out to the place where grandmothers normally live. The “war” lasted one year.

A year after the start of the "war" with the grandmothers, the neighbor from the 4th floor decided to do repairs, but first he began to throw out the old furniture. When the neighbor began to bring out the chairs, one of the grandmothers recognized among them the same grandmothers, which she thought I had stolen.She flew into the neighbor and began to scream at him, what a mu*ak, etc. After that the grandmothers stopped throwing their garbage near my door, but they still call me a beast and a wicked.

This is a gesture.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №147751
Someone asked here.
The horizon in Russian is called the eye. Short, clear and beautiful. And, suddenly, sometimes even used, indeed more often by the elderly, in the villages.
by Zy. All good in the new year.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №147750
faultcore: The new bed is high and there is no carpet underneath it, so the crown can now not get on it in the morning to demand food, he has found another way. They pulled from the old parent's apartment the remains of a smart vacuum cleaner, which is 10 years old. He is dumb, makes loud sounds, fights about everything in a row and enables light music. Crowle learned how to turn it on, so that from 7 a.m. this fur crab rides on a vacuum cleaner around the bedroom and waits until someone wakes up to feed him.

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №147749
Ha has.
Yes, you have never seen the heavens and the managers of the living in their lives, the maximum of cosplaying parasites.
The manager doesn’t “sound the hoodies,” and at any moment knows everything about the last screw of each project and about every underwater stone that can get on the way.
He has a Wikipedia education and sufficient insight into all the tasks of all specialists to understand that “taking a double integral” is a problem, and “recognizing images” is not the fact that it can be solved at all, that increasing the resolution will require an increase in light power or lead to a loss of dynamic, that the printed board will be ready in a week, and the chips can be two more.
It connects all this so that it works all the time and doesn’t get a hint, and not a mouse in a shit-management program, but in its head, because the programming works only for spherical horses in the vacuum, and life is much more complicated than humicentric abstractions and sliding strips.
He listens carefully to all opinions and always knows, and not just imagines-what-knows, how things really stand behind this void of opinions. Pessimists, optimists, realists, people with personal interests, people who just don’t know something important. He does not need to whisper, and they believe in him as in God. And they ask themselves constantly, without pins.
This is the manager.
And not your foolish half-foolish ones with selfishness to heaven.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №147748
Small dogs are especially wicked. I was sometimes hit by dwarf pinchers on the street, after the pinch they flew away and wildly squinted, and their hostesses with their blood-filled eyes and mouth foam had already gone into the attack. It was fun to watch. One grandmother even called for the help of her son, he ran out of the house, looked at me and... left without saying anything :).
One pinscher got pins from me three times, after which he became trained. Usually, as soon as he is released out, he wraps and throws on any first encounter. Once rushed was, once again, and on me (already after the three previous pinks), but I realized, immediately silenced on the halfway and jumped away. I respected it :)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №147747
Snow in Siberia.
Drivers: Okay, I’m in winter tires.
Walkers: Okay, I am in the valleys.
Road service: Okay, let’s get rid of this shit.
Snow in Peter.
Drivers of AAAAAA.
The pedestrian: AAAAAAAA
Road services: AAAAAAAA

News from Vranje!
Snow in Siberia.
Drivers: Okay, I’m in winter tires.
Walkers: Okay, I am in the valleys.
Road services: AAAAAAAAA

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №147746
and sick.

Nothing so calms as the smile of a neurologist.
Nothing pleases the eye as a highly qualified ophthalmologist.
After contacting an otolaryngologist, it is easier to breathe.
And I want to live again thanks to the resuscitator."

You have not been pollinated for a long time. There are only two doctors:
The 1st came.
2 where you were before.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №147745
> It would be a great profession - the carrier-adjustable piano. In reality, there are five different people.

I see, there is another master of classical anecdotal ending.
The Five.
Wiping of Tears
thank you.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №147744
aaa: I would also add to the [blocking] list an ad with shock content from the section “Doctors were in shock.”
BBB: It’s basic to do it yourself. All you need is...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №147743
4:48 pm
Director of communications of the Russian network of fast food restaurants Burger King Ivan Shestov addressed the bike club "Night Wolves" with the offer for thirty million rubles to work on the New Year's holidays on the delivery of hamburgers and on the condition to be renamed "Night Elephants".

4:48 pm
Ally Mla...Bugga

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №147742
> "Does it make sense for us to continue living together if you don’t want to do what I want?"

I am also surprised that is not so. She wants to do one thing, he wants to do another, and no one wants to waste his time doing something he doesn’t need. The conclusion is: do something together. If they had eight more lives in stock, you could first do, for example, something compromising, then try to build a family and life as she wants, then - as he wants... But in any case - why?! After all, you can right now and right here live your life with the one (and) who suits the way it is arranged for you. What to do for this? It is right: stop pushing the unflattering and blowing up the unflattering. I would also not agree to live with a person who, say, does not want to follow the expressions, respect my dignity and personal space. Or solve household problems together. Or he wants to communicate with me much more/less than I want and can. Do you want to continue such relationships?

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №147741
A decent male dignity is already a property.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №147740
There are many wonderful promises ahead of us in the coming year! Up to March 18th (inclusive)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №147739
I never liked clowns.
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY In my childhood, they seemed terribly vulgar. Actually, I didn’t know this word, so I couldn’t explain it to anyone.
XXX: I am just very stupid.
xxx: No, I now understand that they are cool artists and all that.
But the whole image of the clown is disgusting.
YYY: The pollinator looks cool.
XXX: so Polynin is the hypocrites
X: He’s in the circus now, you know?
The clowns took over the circus.
Listen, you have now described in three words as accurately as possible what is happening in the country.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №147738
“The scanner operators don’t mind talking. I was driving one morning to death without sleeping, on the screen were the usual contours of objects, except for the unusual two. I asked the scanner operator: "What is this in my backpack". He replied: “It looks like a plywood, there is no danger of terrorism.”

But I couldn’t have a stall, I remembered it. I wondered what happened and forgot. It turned out, cabbage.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna