— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №158608
I work in evening shifts. A colleague asked her to replace her, as she had to take the child to the doctor she had long wanted to go to. The request was, “If I can do everything, I will go out myself, and if I can’t, I will call you to go out.” have agreed.

3 hours before the start of work. There is no call. 2 hours left. I call, the phone is not taken. Half an hour later, I called again to clear my conscience, but there was no response. I turned on the series and made the coffee. A friend is hysterical:

Why are you not at work? I asked you!

You said you would call, you would warn. And since there was no call, you managed to do it by yourself.

I could guess.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №158607
There is an opportunity to do – do. There is a possibility not to do - do not do. Do not miss the opportunity!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №158606
People from Serbia write:
“Our politicians are too soft, we need a strong hand, we need our Putin here in Serbia.
I: Okay, and if you personally don’t like the policy of such a president, what would you do?
Taxi Driver: Well, I’ll go on a rally or vote against him in the election.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №158605
YouTube, who hit the advertisement in the "sounds of rain to fall asleep" - burn you in hell, shit!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №158604
xxx: If my husband will betray me⁠ then I will find out about this not on the phone by secret correspondence, not through neighbors and the strange behavior of the spouse, but by a fluent conversation in a dream...

And while I’m calm... – “Sereg, заебал, drag the wheel... u-u. Cement, cement and cement.”

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №158603
Xxx: I was three years old when my peer offered to show each other letters. I refused for a long time, but she was persistent. Eventually, he showed her his house. She looked closely and showed her scripture. And then I felt deceived: I have a whole design, and it has nothing to look at.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna