— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 19 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №151212
If you stop drinking, smoking and fucking, you won’t live longer. Life will just seem longer.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №151211
Something about impure force and other poltergeists

After the divorce, Rome's wife, who professed the principle of "Al a cone, but in the center!" She bought herself a single on the Peace Avenue, and the unpretentious Roma for the remaining money acquired the first thing. Roma got an apartment on the outskirts, count in the suburbs. Not even an apartment, but half a house. There are such, you know, typical two-room houses of Soviet construction.

This inexpensive at first glance property had a number of undeniable advantages from the point of view of Roma. First and foremost, a full-fledged double. A separate entrance. A clock of land, flanked by a palisade. No neighbors, not counting the lonely semi-paralyzed old lady behind the wall. Two steps to work. The most important thing is the maximum distance from the center. This practically excluded for Roma the possibility of even a random encounter with her ex-wife or her mother.

Of course, there was a shortage of this home. and substantial. And so substantial that the previous owners, who were bustling with the sale of this apartment not the first year, looked at Rome with a mixture of hope and distrust, as if they expected that Rome, like the rest of the buyers, in the last moment will melt like an eggs in the fog. The apartment had a very bad reputation.

You can call it whatever you want, hellishness, impure force, poltergeist, but the fact remains a fact - weird things happened in the house from time to time. Periodically, objects moved by themselves, disappeared, and some things appeared unexpectedly, sometimes strange and frightening sounds were delivered from nowhere. In short, there was a full set of devil, repeatedly described by the ren-tv channel and the newspaper Oracle. And not that these strange things happen often and constantly, no. But because they rarely occurred, they produced an even more unexpected and depressing impression. Including its seeming meaninglessness. For example, you come from work, and on the kitchen table lies a key for seventeen. Which you did not have in your home.

That only the former owners, people rational and not superstitious, did not undertake to combat this phenomenon. Change the locks, hanging stalls on the windows. They invited a father with a cadil, in order to sanctify the dwelling. The father, of course, sanctified the dwelling, but then drowned in such a sink that in one evening he caused more damage to the owners than the unclean force in all the previous years. They called, like the unforgettable Frekken Bock, on television, in some show about the outdoors, where they were sincerely and honestly sent, offering not to shake the heads of busy people with all kinds of nonsense. Eventually, in their despair, they came to the point that one day they even set up a real wolf trap, which they themselves miraculously did not hit. Because the trap they placed in the kitchen was suddenly in the hallway, right under the door when they returned.

So the sellers were not without reason afraid that at the last moment Roma, to whom benevolent neighbors told about the oddities of the apartment, would give a back and jump. But Roma, the product of the Soviet education system, only laughed at all these rumors, and eventually the parties struck their hands. Especially since the former tenants left the new owner as a bonus almost all the environment and furnishings. Probably afraid to take a notorious drum with you in any furniture box. So Roma joked over them, settling into a new home.

Soon, however, the new tenant was forced to admit that the rumors about strange things happening in the apartment have a very real ground. The first ringing was a bottle of champagne. A bottle of champagne, open to the new home and standing in the refrigerator almost untouched, which Roma was all about to throw out, but his hand did not rise. And when she got up, Rome was surprised to find that the contents of the bottle had dropped by half. From under a tightly closed block, from the refrigerator, in the apartment where nobody but him was.

And then it began. It may have started earlier, just Roma, first faced with the unexplained, began to be more attentive to the surrounding environment. All events were in the same order as with champagne. That is, on the one hand it was characterized by its obvious meaninglessness and inexplicability, and on the other hand by its equally obvious harmlessness. Bread crumbs on the table, a passport that moved from the servo to the TV, disappeared unclearly where the lamps bought the day before, slurred water under the window from the fresh polished unclearly flowers, and all in this spirit. If Roma had not been aware in advance, he might have panicked and set off on the slippery path of his predecessors, changing castles and setting traps. But convinced that the events happening do not pose a threat to life and health, Roma decided to just shake her hand and not ruin her nerves. The only thing that caused him a slight annoyance was the disappearance of new cuts, which he sprinkled the day before at work to shake up the old electrical wiring. But Roma quickly filled this annoyance in itself and the next day struggled with others at work. In short, in one way or another, Roma has learned to coexist with the impure force that is present.

In other words, the new home was good for him. He met a neighbor, a lovely old lady Olga Vitalevna, who was very poorly hearing, was blinded, and barely moved around the house, so that Roma took the habit of going to the store to buy her some foods of the first necessity. What was she exceedingly glad. And when he repaired her crane and changed the socket in the kitchen, her happiness was no limit. In short, life, as they say, slowly improved.

On Monday morning, Rome felt bad. There were two reasons for Tom. The first is a colleague’s anniversary on Friday, and the second is a nephew’s wedding on the weekend. Roma treated drinking very positively, and never avoided good company, but had one peculiarity in this matter. His body perfectly tolerated single influences, but was categorically opposed to multi-day. So waking up in the morning on Monday, Roma felt bad, called to work, took a break, and remained lying on the couch, trying not to make unnecessary movements. Because without them, the mechanical carpentry worked in the head, rubbing the skull and all its contents from the inside. The situation could have saved a couple of aspirin pills, but as soon as the pharmacy rose, Roma has not yet had time. Therefore, he lay dumb on the couch, staring at the old carpet on the floor, left to him from the former dwellers.

He looked at this carpet for so long that at some point it just floated in front of his eyes. Roma shaken his head, causing a spark of enthusiasm for the hammermen, but the carpet did not think to get in order. He, on the contrary, swung stronger and stronger, then a wave passed through him, and suddenly a yellow bone hand appeared from under the edge of the carpet.

If Rome were not in such a deplorable state, it would have been enough for condrations. And so he only cuddled and silently watched how the bone hand scratched on the floor, then the carpet swelled even stronger, and behind the hand from under him appeared a gray broken head.

Hello Olga Vitalievna! Suddenly, even for himself, Roma suddenly spoke with a sewed voice.

The head shaken, frozen for an instant, and then as suddenly as it appeared disappeared under the carpet. A hand disappeared behind her, and then the carpet, shaking, took its usual position. Then came silence.

From a minute, Roma was lying, coming back, then jumped sharply, and ran around the house, stretching his pants on the go. “This is an old car! He put himself under his nose. Here is the bubble! Here is you and your home! Oh Olga Vitalievna! Give it to me!” Finally, he attached his pants, and pulled his legs into the shoes and jumped out of the door.

In order to get to the neighbor, he had to pass two cylinders and escape the palace. The neighbor was not locked. Roma knocked the door and walked into the house without knocking. Olga Vitaliovna, as in nothing, sat comfortably at the table by the window, and drank tea from a plate with sugar for a snack. The dish in the old lady's hand smelled odorfully, and the sugar she skillfully crushed to the pain by the familiar Romans.

Oh my romance! - joyfully cried Olga Vitalievna to the neighbor frozen in the door. How good you came in! I feel so bad today, I could barely get from bed to table. My bread is over, I don’t know what to do. Are you going to the store? If you gather, buy me, be a friend. Are you not at work, are you sick?

Roma stood and looked stupidly at the beetles in the old lady’s hand. All the words he had prepared while he was running, went somewhere.

I did not go to work. He burst out. Something breaks the head.

It is all weather! It was stated by Olga Vitalievna. Transmitted on TV.

Instead of answering, Roma turned and went out.

He went into the store, bought bread for the old lady, minerals and what foods for himself, and all the way thought about how obvious the puzzle was. After all, he was told about the lounge and the common basement under the house, but he missed this unnecessarily by his ears. He also thought that immediately upon his return he would take the nails, the hammer, and intentionally hit the entrance to the basement to the devil's mother.

Then he brought bread to his neighbor, who was still sitting in the kitchen by the window, and went home. The cowboy in his head again began his shock work, and it would have been necessary to go to the pharmacy for pills, but the strength was no longer, I wanted to get to the couch soon and lie down. Rushing into the hallway, Roma looked into the kitchen to leave the foods, and suddenly froze as if he had been digged.

Your own mother! He broke in his hearts.

In the kitchen, right in the middle of an empty table, was a package of aspirin.

Rocket (with his permission)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №151210
You didn’t even notice that I changed the tire!
I noticed
I have not changed!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna