— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №124005
Or there was a thrill too.
One man had a bot.
And another bot.
He accidentally said "bla" not himself, but through a bot.
Then the second bot played the first. by Mat.
The first bot activated self-defense. He broke up and played the first boot.
The third bot saw that the first bot was played.
And denied access to the pool of bots, to which the second bot belonged.
This was seen by a boat that guarded the pool of bots.
He gave the SU command and threw the second bot out of the network.
And that bot had a shared host with the owner of the bots.
The owner was thrown out of the net.
This served as a signal to launch the script "Dead Hand".
It was called so because the administrator of the network was a student.
Script was the administrator of the services and watched that no one of their owners was thrown out of the network.
If this happens, it disconnects all users.
It disabled all users.
This is what happens if you say "Joke" inadvertently.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №124004
Intercepted in transport, grandfather (D) and teenage girl (P)
D: She sits in her phone, she doesn’t see reality at all, what generation has gone?? to
The little girl calmly lifts her eyes from the phone.
Q: Grandpa, the reality in my phone is the same as it is outside it, just I have the option to choose which one is better, and you don’t – here you’re angry.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №124003
The man who missed the most charming girl, you yourself write that you looked around and felt magic. What other clues do you need that she likes you?
Whoever is more interested takes the first step. And "I will only approach if it first makes it clear that it will not go away" - this is exactly what is called "the weak" and "the loser".

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №124002
by dc93
The Playboy? Without a naked?

Pornography is something.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №124001
The circle is closed:
8 is

Does that mean his weakness? No, even the strongest person in the world needs an impulse to act. Dear girls, carry your usual clothes and find a moment to pick it up in time. In the worst case, you will only lose your shirt. Well, and a decent guy will follow you, no matter what. Hundreds of years method. The man who stumbled his fate yesterday in the electric car...

Need an impulse to ask "what time"? Can I invite you to a date and give you flowers? Do not defend the cloth. He is not guilty of anything.

Oh, and a couple of months ago there was a mess from the girls complaining that the question is "what time?" is constantly followed by a continuation for the purpose of dating. You will decide, right?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №124000
As I remember now, 8 years have passed. I went to work in the office, and there was a director by the name of Rogulin. And he was constantly saying "the swirling horns". And he had a name for the spending. My favourite phrase is "Ebias little".
I still remember...

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №123999
The press service of Nikita Mikhalkov began to add to the blacklist of some journalists and bloggers. Who had the negligence to ask anywhere for prohibited topics:
What are you paying for "tax on bulldozers"?
- Where did the money spent on the fast food network go "We eat like at home!"?
Why do you refuse to receive the prize? O. Bender "The Cheats and Cheats of the Year" 2015?
and a number of others.

Figures on the blacklist are not allowed to participate in press conferences of Nikita 1%, premiere shows and presentation of new projects. When they visit a café "Eat Like Home!", the price for meals will automatically increase by 146% plus 1%.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №123998
The unmarried girls. Never follow the advice of your divorced friends.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №123997
A colleague (man), a small troll, walks and taps to the staff with provocative questions, to then undermine who we are not all like we should. He approaches me and asks:
Imagine you have everything you want, but I have twice as much. What would you wish?
I answered:
Third size breasts and three children.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №123996
The Rose! Do we have something to drink?
There is. The tea is Ceylon.
Something stronger?
Take a new bag.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №123995
by George Zotov:

I arrived on my first day in Dubai.
immediately to meet. and returned. Hunting something to eat, before the plane only 2 yogurt finished (the query does not go). I ask at the hotel - what do you have here in the district for food? I am so happy – "McDonald’s" sir. No guys, thank you very much. And what more? I went to Inet. There is a type of pizza. Oh well well. Thirty dollars sir. No, somehow go out.
The people are angry. Go look further. Well, sir, if you are a non-characteristic European, and a strange psychic, there are nearby rides for poor gastarbayters. We have a neighborhood like that. But you will not eat it. We had a man from Russia. I ordered this too with sadness, and could not eat at all. We helped him, we ate. The portions are small, yes. You still want (I feel like people are already buriing me), sir? Here is the menu, look at it.
I look at the menu. Indian and Chinese food. The heart played. Going somewhere is lazy. Are they delivering? Yes Sir. Even one sandwich for a dollar, and then deliver, and delivery is free. We, the gastarbayers, are the poor people. Okay, I ordered a batter chicken (a fan from India) and chicken in Manchurian. And fresh cakes. Dinner was valued at 8 backs. Food arrived in 20 minutes.
I tried to eat it all night and left it for the next day. God, if these are small portions, what are the big portions?

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №123994
Restrictions on Netflix in Russia:

Import substitution is treated as the protection of the exclusive rights to cut local lambs.
Although it was originally proposed as a work to improve the taste of local grass."

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №123993
Today I woke up at 8 a.m. from the fact that some thief began to crack the wall. Only a minute later I realized that I wasn’t in an apartment, but in the village, and the daddy was a real man.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №123992
Approximately the same with childhood and region - the childless and atheists are quiet and invisible against the background of the reproduced and the murdered.

Two-thirds of them are shit! It is worth a person to express an opinion (no matter what, religion, birth rate, tents...), as a bunch of people rushes, ready to explain to the person that he is a fool, a fool, all like him is shit and the author hopes that they will rest. With rare exceptions, there are polite explanations where the author is wrong. To read, people do not know either. After reading five to eight lines, touch the fact that "I think that the car for ports and damage from it" and "I usually do not need a car, but I do not mind if the car is carried out", different points of view, not even half is capable. You probably have a good imagination but a poor understanding of what you read.
It is reassuring that the normal people here just don’t argue.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №123991
It’s strange...Jackson wanted to be white, he did surgery. Why doesn’t anyone want to be a Negro?
WOW: So why then? Out of the jumping girls solarium walks on the streets
WOW: the truth they have reached the current of the Chinese Level
Ohhhhhhhh?? to
Tagged with: yellow

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №123990
Why does she show that?? to

How Why? She took the bag and the clock of one, the dress and the brick of the other, the house of the patla came as far as she could, the hair of the Uzbek attached, the Brazilian pop stretched, the makeup called "the last chance Volgodonskaya" painted, so many preparations and not a scotch?! to

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №123989
Bruce: Who knows the norms of the website with Apple products? Normally
Seraphim: The AliExpress? :D

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №123988
Comments on the gif about controlling the Apache helicopter cannon with head movements:
Robots have learned to control people.
YYY: Was the shelling blinked? Morgue and everything in Morgue.
zzz: The dust got in the eye - spent all the ammunition.
nnn: once sneezed - yesterday there was an aul.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №123987
This is:

From Habr.

xxx: It all started with the fact that my wife opened an Instagram account, began to post a bunch of photos and get offended if I didn’t like them in time. Automating family relationships.

It all started with the fact that you married the TP.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №123986
He helped a friend with a cursor in cryptography, made a simple two-button gateway that encrypted and decrypted text from one text field to another, with a key from the third.

The teacher said it was shit because it was never safe. Anyone can break, even his grandson doesn’t.

I reworked the proga, added 10 buttons at the top of the previous interface, all buttons were inactive except the first, you had to press alternately on each so that everything became active. The buttons are called:
1st Creating cryptographic abstractions
2nd Generating handshake keys
Three Generating customer certificates
4 is Check the server certificate
5 is Connect to the server.
6 is Connect to database
7 is Creating data encryption keys
8 is Create the second cycle of encryption keys
9 is Create a sandbox to protect information
10 is Personalizing the surroundings

After clicking on each, a pop-up window opened with the progress bar, for a random time, from 3 to 7 seconds.

After the 10th button, the block that was originally in the previous version of the proga became active.

Prepod said this is cruel. The best job he has seen.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna