— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138498
In general, the logic of smokers is genetic - I want to smell and I will smell on you, and you will bypass me if you don't like it. It is strange that the lovers of gowns in public transport and other crowded places did not get to them and did not friendlyly support them, there is no difference in their approach to life.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138497
(According to the domestic animals)
zzz: (anxious) A mol, a mol can be held without a passport?
bbb: Co-living with scabies is not a reason for not having a passport.
If the mol has eaten the passport, you need to apply for the issuance of a new one.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138496
In Kazan on the eve revealed the superstar of a family couple, who two months ate for free

The scheme was brilliant and at the same time simple: the roles were distributed as follows. A man made himself a buyer and picked up the goods in the basket. Going around the store, he approached the box office where his wife worked. The husband never made any purchases on the cash tape. The cashier pretended to pierce the goods, and the "buyer" - that he pays it all with a bank card.

Then the woman handed over to her husband a pre-prepared check, and the man quietly left the store. The couple was exposed by the security officers of the store. They carefully examined the video surveillance cameras. According to the version of the investigation, the spouses paid almost 200,000 rubles, reports the press service of the Soviet district court of Kazan.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138495
Do not talk until you are buried

Patients with a pathologist never get him with stupid questions: “Doctor, when will you write me out?”

Have you seen pathologists? Sometimes they seem to get...

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №138494
Romance is when you are well and beautiful around you, I scientifically explained to my husband.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №138493
Sometimes you encounter very mysterious examples in life. Painting, curling, building hair and eyelids, makeup, tattooing, manicure, pedicure, depilation, colored lenses, skirts everywhere (chips, buttocks, scratches, press), heels, heels +20 to the height. Tons of cosmetics, and everything onboard, sewn or pulled. And then it goes on, saying there are no real men. What do you have in the present, the present?

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №138492
M: Let’s go, old ladies, take a blow. A Buddhist monk told me that if I behave badly, I will be a woman in my next life.
Q1: Can it provide a quick transition to the next life, right?? to
Q2: or help with this to change gender?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №138491
xxx: by the way, last night I got to see "28 panfilovce"
XXX: I liked it very much. Blaming them for the lack of a love line, the main character and the main antagonist are idiots.
xxx: how long ago old Leo wrote about the first "Lord of the Rings": "the ancient spirit of the book was beautifully sustained [...] and even Frodo was not equipped with a girlfriend".

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №138490
From the observations:
There are two bottles in the soap compartment. One on the shelf with women’s means, the other with men’s. There and there 3 in 1.
Women's 3 in 1: shampoo + balsam + washer.
Men’s 3 in 1:
For the skin, for the hair!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №138489
My wisdom teeth were removed, and I asked to give them to me. I can make my own eyebrows. A cup for the beloved.
- I suspect that somewhere in the midst of dusty molberts was a dried appendix...

[ + 40 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138488
"The smoker is easy to bypass"

I walk on the street with a child, behind almost close to the smoking body. The sidewalk is wide, but it is too hasty to take a step away! Takes a child with a cigarette, protrudes a jacket - what, thank you for not in the eye! Through the smoke clubs we observe the back.

Take us by ourselves, fools!
Anyone who smokes in public is a fool.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №138487
A wise man does not argue. Wise too. Only the wise think everything is nonsense.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №138486
I will tell you this one thing, and put a minus there, I will not be offended. During many of my missions, various interesting cases occurred, and often they (in my opinion) were no less fun than the investigations themselves. So, in the light of recent world protests, this is what I remembered.
In 2005, I was taken to a project in Germany in the glorious city of Münster, which is in Westphalia. My client was doing medical research. A very interesting company. There were two main activities. 1) Research of pregnancy and, accordingly, experiments with primates (apes to bishes). 2) Studies on how different pollution impacts fish and water. Naturally, on the territory of the company there were cages and volleyers with animals and there were ponds with fish, frogs, horrors, etc.
Obviously, in the course of experiments, both animals and fish were killed and euthanasia was carried out, as without this. Unfortunately, the creation of medicines for humans and chemicals for water purification are not possible without this, part of so-called human progress, whether you want it or not. There is nothing to say about the project itself, the Germans know their business, they are punctual, executive, clear, responsible, ITD.
We worked there, everything is okay. And they have a tradition in the company, in the summer, whether the first or second Sunday of the month - a family picnic. And while we were there on one wonderful sunny Sunday, they planned a picnic. This is not our first visit, so we have been there before.
To be honest, beauty. Employees of the company (as well as office and laboratory workers) gather on the lawn, bring tables, meat, sausages, bread, fruits, beer naturally (where without it), juices, their children, play their German games, sing songs, well. Well, we were called, although we are from the United States, but still employees, even temporary. Small but pleasant.
We agreed, of course, to support the corporate spirit, but warned, we will later. I honestly wanted to sleep on a well-deserved weekend, and I had to study. And my manager has to train, he has the world championship on his nose.
I will be distracted, even if it is out of history, but I will say a few words about him because he is my Master. I will write about this unique person in the following stories. In short, he is one of the best sprinter runners in the world. Now he is well in his 60s, but he looks 35-40. Such is grandfather, in the first ten sprinters in his age group on 200m, in the squad 4x100, and in the first 20 on 400m. He is an African-American, from a simple very poor family of fishermen from the depths of the American South. He was the first in his family to receive a higher education.
He was supposed to participate in the 1976 Olympics, but shortly before the Olympics his father died in a car accident and he left the big sport and went to work to help his mother maintain the sisters and that they would also go to the university (they also did not pump, 2 doctors and an engineer). But he did not abandon the sport entirely, he participated as an amateur in all major competitions. Multiple champion of the state, the United States, and the world. This is such an interesting man. But I turned away.
And then about 12 o'clock in the day we approach the lawn and immediately see something unusual. The police to fige, load the detainees, defeat on the lawn, tables turned, children cry, adults in shock, all in color. What happened?
It turned out that the German branch of Greenpeace and PETA (PETA in English) They followed the company’s employees and decided to protest. A type of animal protection. And they attacked a picnic, this is the kind of protest. Give them the shit. They just surrounded the barrel, pulled megaphones and posters. They beat the cars of the picnic participants, turned the tables, shouted to the children that their parents were murderers, threw food into them, poured red paint on adults, pushed women. I don’t know if there was a fight, we came when it was over.
A picnic, nothing to say. Yes, you are good, you are good, you are good. The animals are easier.
I watch TV, I see protests for someone’s rights, I see protests against. I see it in the civilized United States, I see it in human Europe, I see it in modern Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, etc. I see leaders saying very right things. Everyone has their truth, of course. And I remember somewhat overturned tables, scattered food, frightened children and parents poured in red. And there are still terrible pictures of the 30s and 40s.
Eka compared, you will say. Another time. I agree, and other people. Others, I agree, and the “Germans” are not the same. Certainly not them, not them at all. But the tears in the eyes of people and the tears in children are similar. To the pain in the whiskers is like, to white bones.
This is how. Sorry for not being funny. The word entirely.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138485
It’s hard with our illiterate citizens – they say in Russian that inflation is only 4%, and they say that in the store prices have doubled!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №138484
The West has imposed sanctions on Russia. Well, he banned the entry of a bunch of officials who we ourselves would have been shooting for a long time.
In response, Russia imposed sanctions...on itself, banning the import of what it does not have and will not soon be.
The West Forget. The sales market, of course, has disappeared, but a small loss - Russia will not buy, so someone else will buy. Or let go.
But in Russia, everyone believes the television: the West is all to blame. And some Trump will lift sanctions and there will be happiness. Only here, even if the West lifts its sanctions, Russia will not give up its own sanctions against itself. And oil does not travel sharply from this.
The TV is seconded by CJSC Spirituality – loosely hanging, gold-hanging thick-abdominal bastards headed by a former major supplier of tobacco and alcohol.

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138483
XXX: I was at a meeting with a friend. In the toilet, the drive was tightly closed, and their grandfather did not close the engine. As soon as someone approached the toilet, the grandfather started shouting in a bad voice to the whole area: “I’m here, I’m here!”

Yyy: If the person inside is not sure that he will hear the person approaching, there is an option to scream constantly throughout the process.

xxx: Grandpa heard badly, so he did.)

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138482
From the reviews about the brush: The hair they did not lose, in use were pleasant, the small brush is still in full order and is actively used, and the only thing that killed part of the set is an unequal battle with the cat.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №138481
The tank:

And I always drive with a backpack and I am very happy to read how it bombs people around :)

For the individual talented, we shout again: all cheer on you together with your backpack, until you scatter them people and put it on someone sitting on their heads.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138480
Well, fucking, this is your "Viking" for a billion eternally wooden... Danila Kozlovsky, who believes that he is filmed in the Duchless-3, Svetlana Hodchenkov, as usual in the role of himself and some bitch in the role of the plot... Well though in the movie did not go. How did it have to be wasted out of the budget to keep such a hideous quality?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138479
Inventory in a private medical institution.
The clinic works from 8 to 20, so the inventory is nightly.
Siddhartha in the Committee.

23:50 - Everyone... came to the proctologist’s office... I don’t play that way, my life will never be like before.
The Inquisition in the Middle Ages rested.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna