— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №157001
Sometimes the best store is charged.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №157000
In the U.S., it’s not so easy to find an unoccupied niche in business, especially if you’re a recent immigrant. Yesterday I met a man who did it. He is an automaker, but repairs only cars hit by the city. Usually such machines are rubbed, aligned capes and roofs and repainted. It costs 5-7 thousand dollars. The majority is paid by insurance, but the owner must pay from his pocket a dedactile (franchise), $ 500 or a thousand.

David learned how to correct the wreaths from the gardens without damaging the paint. Insurance costs twice as much, it does not take anything from the customer and can even make him a small gift. He monitors the news on the Internet and if he sees that in some area of the United States has passed a strong town, then takes a suitcase with the tool, flies there, leases some carpet at the crossroads of major roads and starts working. To live safely all year, he has to repair about 40 cars per season.

With this business model, the most difficult thing is to find these 40 customers in an unknown place. A huge badge over the barracks, ads in local newspapers and the Internet, a fee for distributing its business cards in crowded places help, but not always. Let me tell you the words of David himself.

“Five years ago there was a dead season, for all spring and summer no decent city. Finally, in mid-August one passed in the depths of Texas. I am flying. Around the prairie, from my sarai to the nearest supermarket, an hour and a half drive. People are harsh, do not like strangers, do not read newspapers, do not go to the internet. I sit a day, two, three – no one customer. Finally, one flyer appeared. I drove his car from the top to the bottom, and he too. On Sunday morning he came for the car, I say: let’s note the repair in a good restaurant, I’m catering. He is:
I can’t, I need to go to church.
Then I give him $500 and I say:
Sacrifice for the church in my name.

In the evening he comes: the pastor wants to see you. I say I can’t go to church, I’m a Jew. I really don’t want to leave the workshop. The next day the pastor comes:
You have done a good thing, we will feed a few hungry families with your money. How to thank you? I can write your name on a bench in a church, or plant a tree in your honor, or mention you in a sermon.

I say :
Preaching is good, it is good. Only, please, do not just say “some David,” but “David, who works on such a crossroads and makes cars beaten by the city.”

The Pastor:
Do you repair cars after the city? Only heaven has sent you. The cursed town passed during the Sunday service, all the cars that stood near the church were affected. I will tell about you to all the guests.

The next day I had 37 customers. I made their cars for another month and a half and then for a whole year I didn’t know the grief.”

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №156999
The buyer! Remember to! By buying an advertised product, it is you who pay for this annoying advertisement that has tainted you!

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