— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №159090
Hello, this is Sergei from work.

yyy: Hi, but I have a boyfriend, and he recently got kms by hand, I love him very much if you want to communicate with him.

Okay, hello, I understand that you are strong, but she took my charge yesterday and I wish she didn’t forget her tomorrow. If you have to fight for it, leave it for yourself.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №159089
I had a good friend with a girlfriend. He was friends with the girls regularly, but with this straight stood for a long time. Angela was a prominent girl: cute, with a good figure and a factory, cheerful and broken temper. Angel's soul demanded the celebration with envious persistence and, accordingly, they regularly visited with my companion various entertainment and entertainment establishments.

And one day a call from him, the clock in the area around six o’clock:

Hello to Pacifistwar!

Hello to Col!

What are you doing now, free?

“Yes, I’m wandering here in the Pyramid area while I’m free, but later in the evening, there’s some work to do. and what?

“Yes, we sit here with Angela and her friend at the Sudden Encounter cafe. I decided to call you to make it more fun.

“Why not go and meet Angelina’s girlfriend? Moreover, this event was probably initiated by the female part of Colina’s company.

“Yes, in principle I can come, eat dinner with you and support the company with a conversation, but I won’t drink – in the evening the work is urgent. If you do, I’ll be with you in 15 minutes.

“Now I’ll find out,” said Cole and left for the meeting.

“Come here, and we’ll see,” a few minutes later, my friend gave me good.

Fifteen minutes later, I was already sitting at the table, frankly looking at the menu and Nadja’s tip. Nadia turned out to be quite a normal, cute girl without visible obstacles to arranging her personal life.

They ate, talked, laughed and drank. All two hours the company tried to incline me to alcoholic drinks, but I really had important affairs in the evening, and I remained unwavering.

At the beginning of the ninth Nadia was going home and I naturally called to take her away.

In the car, as an honest and decent gentleman, he made a couple of fun light hints to continue the evening in a different setting - a little later, as I settle up with evening affairs. But Nadia, as a clever and decent lady, subtly, but unambiguously made it clear to me that my erotic lamentations will not go on today.

“No, no – no is it! "I was not upset at all and continued a non-binding secular conversation.

After a couple of common phrases in the girl suddenly as if something had changed. Trigger served as my question about what she was doing.

Nothing anymore now. I’m going to the Czech Republic in a week.

to rest?

No for ever! In the PJ.

Oh oh, this is yes! And why? I wondered, surprised, that in the course of two hours of lively conversation in the cafe, this topic never emerged.

Thro the rest of the way to Nadine’s house, and this is twenty minutes, I listened to a monologue about how badly in Rossi, how well in Europe, how in the sleepy Siberian feathers do not understand girls with a subtle mental organization, what we have heavy, dark, toxic and ignorant people, what in Europe are light, light, tolerant and intelligent elves and other, other arguments of the adepts of the squad.

What are you going to do, where to live, for what to exist? I was only able to put some provocative question into her hot monologue.

My old friend has lived there for many years. He has long called me to himself, but I just decided, without blinking the eye, without thinking for a second, Nadia shared, - almost a year of documentation.

Well good luck! - We have already come to her home, and I saw no reason to communicate further with the already practically foreign woman, who is waiting for a friend in the Czech Republic. Moreover, I had to go to finish work for today. and happy!

Of course, to ask her phone number, I didn’t even get into my head. To try to incline to betray a lady, who will soon go to a friend abroad forever and, so hot and passionate about it, it is such an adventure. Just a fan, let’s say. I have never considered myself such a fan.

She went to the failure of the typical Khrushchev panel entrance, and I moved on.

*** by

About a month later, I accidentally met Angelou in one of the shopping centers. They stood up, spoke for five minutes about nothing, and almost said goodbye, as Angela suddenly asked:

Didn’t you look at Nadjuha? Remember with whom you were in the “Sudden Meeting.”

No, a normal girl, nothing like that.

So why didn’t you call her then? He says that even the phone did not try to find out! And she made me all ears about you afterwards, Angela spoke to me with some reproach. I was very upset with the girl, her self-esteem was so low.

And why should I have her phone, if she went to the Czech Republic, to her old friend? ! to I shrugged my shoulders in confusion.

What is the Czech Republic? ! to What kind of friend? ! to She looked at me like a half-stupid girlfriend. - She never went outside the country, and her friend would be you, if you had the courage to ask her for the phone!

“It is you who ask her what kind of Czech Republic,” I rejected from dirty insinuations, “she told me all the way home without stopping, with what joy she will leave our unhospitable Siberia and fall into enlightened Europe. A year, he said, documents were made.

- Now she was not going anywhere, and she did not go anywhere, - having made a surprised expression of the face, Angela spoke unexpectedly, - where she lived, there and lives. Okay, I know from her what she invented for the Czech Republic.

Hello, send her to me! I said goodbye.

*** by

The next meeting took place weeks after two, when Kolya and I came together to play billiards, and Angela clinged to him.

Naturally, almost immediately the conversation went to Nadia and her Czech Republic. Angela told me that she spoke to a girlfriend and she fully confirmed my story.

But why, why why? ! to It was above my understanding. Why was all this ridiculous story? Especially if she wants to continue communicating.

Angela graciously and a little confusedly looked at me as they looked at a good, kind, but not distant man:

Are you really not understanding anything?

No of course.

So you can act faster!

To warm up! I could not foresee such a turn.

Can I give you her number?

No thank you...

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №159088
Even the right path can lead to an impasse. But that would be the right impasse. What an impasse.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №159086
This year is so busy that if you buy a lottery ticket, you can lose an apartment.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna