— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №154759
Have you seen, dear man, a spoon? And have you noticed that the spoon is almost the same all over the world. Yes, there are Chinese and Japanese, but you know what? They also have slices.

Do you know why they are the same?

Think about it for a while, and I’ll talk about the nails.

If a person starts to interfere with the work of the nails, he cuts them / scrapes / bites them. A person does not go to the forest and collect the berries there, does not make a special tea from them and does not drink it twice a day, so that the nails fell or at least stopped growing. He shortened them.

Do you know why? Because it works. The decoctions don’t work, and the scissors / pins / teeth work. Therefore, the recipe for getting rid of long nails is flying around the world instantly. And the recipes of secret herbal decoctions so that the nails do not grow, may be (and if not - I can strain and try to come up with), but apparently kept a secret.

What is the spoon here? She also works.

Any recipe or invention that works and is actually effective will spread throughout human society at speaking speed. Secret knowledge is almost nonexistent, or it is knowledge about what does not work.

If there was a secret to penis enlargement it would not have been a secret for a long time and everyone would know it. And every mum from the diapers would do anything so that her son's herre would be the greatest, as this would give him a great (literally) advantage in passing on his, and therefore his mother's, genes to the offspring.

And even if this secret was owned by one family, very soon all or almost all of Earth’s inhabitants would be descendants of that family knowing the “secret.”

So if the secret knowledge on penis enlargement exists, the only thing we can say about it with a hundred percent probability is that it does not enlarge the member.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №154758
Taxi driver is a dangerous profession. I was once attacked with a knife.

What a horror!

“Yes, a passenger sits, I see, he has a knife. I didn’t bother, I got my knife. He is with me, by the way. Do you want me to show?

For some reason I did not want.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №154757
The fast hand often requires the speed of the legs.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №154756
I also got a call from Sberbank.

- Whether you translated to Nalchik in the name of Huikina Vasilvasilich.
I did it, I responded boldly. I will check now. The second. Well. Yes is. Two translations by Hook. One for 100 thousand rubles. The second is forty-three thousand fifty copies. Exactly so.
Eeee, I am moving in. - You just carried out bla bla bla... - continues on the script, but nervous.
Well yes. Huiquin, Daddy is mine. and Huixin. He bought an apartment there in Nalchik in a mortgage through you. And the car. You have a car, of course. by Lada-Kalina He could have bought it better, but he likes it. What happened to him again?

The guy turned away... but came back again and in the third round.

Are you such?
So exactly.
You just carried out...
Well yes! I have two translations. One of such. Another sequel. Huiquin is my father. He really left us with his mother and brother when I was five, but we are in a good relationship and I help him. I bought him an apartment, a car. by Lada. and blue. He is not bad like that. I quit drinking recently. What did he do there again? Did not pay. Or the deadline continued?

The guy somehow moved. Hard for him. But the voice so raised, spoke importantly, roughly, quickly.

- You understand that Huikin is in search of murder and you, as a complicit bla bla bla...
and oh. Not in search of him. Listen to him more. He builds out of himself... He is the last time in the twentieth as he sat in the two-thousand, and thinks that he is a cool criminal. Please don’t listen to me, call me. So what there? Do I have to pay something else? So I’ll give him it now, he’ll pay.
- Citizen Huikin committed a terrible thing... - the voice of the man was sad. He wanted fantasy just like me.
– Oh! I know! I did not take care. It was his previous payment for the order late. exactly! The fucking. Per the pen has run. The old is simple. But kindly. Very good man. But if you don’t remember, you forget to go to the bank on time. Don’t worry, I’ll fix it now. Is there 70 rubles? Or even more?

- You need to go right away - the voice was so sad and sad. Chuvaku wanted an apartment in Nalchik, a blue house, a daughter in Moscow, who paid for his father’s expenses... love. The silver cat.

and yes. I have already dressed up and run to the nearest banking office. Thanks for the promptness. Give God health.

There was silence somewhere in the maritime silence.

by Lia Brinza

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №154755
Meeting at Aeroflot:
“Let’s sell tickets to closed countries, then cancel flights and don’t get the money back.
It is genius! Do it!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №154754
If in a phone conversation with a friend your wife says the phrase "and my too", the probability that you will be praised is zero.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №154753
Xxx: So I’m twenty and penny years old. I am a lawyer student. I get my first car, my parent’s seven. According to the laws of the genre, the domestic ashes often asked for love and attention in the garage. This time I had a difficult battle with the transmission box.

The own history. A hot July day. I drive with transmission. Of course, hands on the elbow, legs, face, scarf and even hair in oil. After an hour of forging, I am overwhelmed by thirst and I remember that at the exit of the garage cooperative there is a barrel (in combination with a boiler), where quas is sold for spill.  I wipe out what is wiped out, I close the garage and I go to rejoice.

Picture with oil: I am standing in the shade near a barrel and drinking my promised 0.5 quas in a plastic cup.

A couple passes by: a burdensome aunt, whose appearance shows that she loves to argue in the ranks and a small man. Aunt shakes me with contempt, looks at me and says to her companion (but so that I hear):

“Pash, look, you’re so young and you’re already cuddly.”

Kvas stood up in his throat. It was urgently necessary to siege the ugly aunt, and I began to be born:

“Woman,” Schopenhauer said, “pause. My husband and aunt turned to me.

“He who judges people superficially is doomed to live a superficial life.”

The routes at the stop nearby did not lie, but the four eyes of my visavi, despite the sunny weather, became round as 5 kopecks.

With the feeling of a won battle, I continued to drink my quas, which at that moment became even more tasty.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №154752
I rented an apartment, my own. A call is issued. I am a strange woman.

Q: Are you renting an apartment?

I : I give up.

Q: Are you the owner?

I: The owner

SJ: Something I do not believe you.

I put the phone.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna