— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №146315
I lie in the hospital. The doctor came for examination and survey: asking how much the temperature, if the throat hurt, was it, was it... and suddenly such a “was in Spain?” I was wildly surprised, I say yes. She asks – and where? I was even more surprised - I speak in Tenerife, in Madrid... Now she was wildly surprised)))) It turned out that she was asking about rashes on the body. And I had already thought that in Spain some sickness goes, and they hide from us :)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №146314
Who left the green tea in the cooker?
He is black.
No, he is green.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №146313
Zzzz: Nicholas, have you forgotten the dictionary on the press? They write here. The Silver Panasonic.
xxx: I don’t have a dictionary, Alexander.
Zzzz: There is a plan. Let’s ask another question: Nicholas, do you want a dictionary? The Silver Panasonic?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №146312
<Julio> Ah, this hemorrhoidal ointment just like a shower balsam...
<Pedro> Well, I’ll know where your soul is.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №146311
From the art blog: “How do women get stronger breasts? This is a question that has plagued painters for centuries.”

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №146310

There are two countries on the globe: Russia and Israel. They say there is somewhere else in the United States, but whoever has seen it must be lying.
What people are pulling to Israel is unclear. Even more unclear is how they are still alive there at all – HELL!

Well, if the US is there, then it’s okay! The truth is there, to raise the farm in general, you do not need to live in the hell on the bullets, guard it with a gun in your hands and smell it from morning to evening. Everyone knows that in the U.S. officials themselves valentine on the fields!

As for Israel, a joke will help you:
When a Jew died, they decided to send him to hell in heaven. He got into the elevator and started going down. Driving a long time. The elevator finally stopped.
Around the field without an end. The gardens further. at the horizon. He is a Jew, and he does not know where he is. Suddenly he sees a man on a tractor. He went to him:
Brother, is it hell?
and Hell.
Why is it so beautiful here?? to
You would have seen it in the 48th!

My friends do business in Israel, the United States, Argentina, Africa, India... And horror, in Russia! You won’t believe, comrade, it’s hard for everyone. Everyone pulls out.
But you can sit and wait until the officials repent and come to ask you to open the case. Also honestly.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №146309
xxx: in Russia there are a lot of enchanted places, where time flows a little slower, and in these

The post office of the Russian Federation was built.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №146308
On the subject of cleaning.
Washing, cleaning and cooking is not difficult. No car loading. But! It is hard psychologically. The same every day, several dozen mini-tasks and mini-plans to keep in mind. This is a distraction to the little things, such as removing someone’s forgotten cup or wiping out the mirror. And, most importantly, unlike work or play, where the achieved result is visible and the brain rewards you for it with all kinds of strings, such as endorphins, homework is an endless cycle without end and edge, boring and monotonous.
And there is no internal encouragement, and instead of gratitude humiliation and depreciation.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №146307
did not try to go out for those who would draw more bouquets, and who before you was in order at home?

I will surprise you a little. I got married to a student who lived in a dormitory and of course did everything himself. He washed his shirts in his laundry, cooked meals... So he stopped doing anything about the household after moving to me. Even the plate to the washing machine could not bring, so on the table and remained if I had lunch in my absence. Now I understand that "he was not married to wash the dishes". And then - she was in love like a cat, she did not notice anything around her.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №146306
Here is this:
Well, a man just needs to eat and fuck off the ideal woman. And the ideal man consists of such contradictory hoodies that no Boston Dynamics can program.

To eat, to chew, so that she didn’t sit on her neck – earned a little less than him, children were, and healthy and fed, at home so that it was clean, the look of the goods, of course, must beined – the ass there pumped, the butt removed, the legs shaved, of course, silent so that all the time and with everything agreed, yes. And that’s more and nothing needs to be done – what’s that difficult?

It’s funny that men usually don’t want to participate in all this. Often even making money. And the woman - "ideal", with her product appearance and healthy fed children and a cozy home, or suffers from the fact that a man is aware of his inferiority and tries to play with her with his endless fingers, or (often) understands that she needs such a man, since he constantly offers her to fuck everything alone, - because from his point of view, "what's difficult here." Indeed, if she does everything by herself, it is not difficult for him.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №146305
Washing or not washing
The classic is:
Never wash your hands.
The neck, ears and face.
This is stupid occupation.
It leads to nothing.
His hands are torn again.
The neck, ears and face.
Why waste your strength,
Time to lose.
Shedding hair is useless.
There is no sense.
Old age by itself.
He swallows the head.
by Gregory Oster

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №146304
Once a week I had to visit the General Staff of the MO at the 1st Frunzenskaya.
The road went through a small square adjacent to the fence of the General Staff.
And then one day a fence appeared around the square, where it was a meter high,
Now to get to the General Staff, it was necessary to run around the square almost in a circle.
And I go again, and the section of the fence is so carefully cut and stands in a row, the road is free.
Next week, the road is closed.
Another week, I go to the section in general cleaned the road open
A week later, the new section of the road is closed.
Another week above the section built a transitional staircase like through a pipeline
On the other side of the road, the road is open.
Another week and I see that the staircase is inside the fence and the road is closed.
It became interesting what will happen next.
Not a week has passed, I go, the staircase stands again through the fence and is deadly attached to it on both sides.

I don’t know what happened, I wasn’t there anymore.
But I know for sure: in MO it could last a long time.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №146303
Ephremov wrote that a woman's fat layer is spent to preserve pregnancy and HB, if a hungry month suddenly came. He did not know about estrogen or was stuck.
Ephraim and stumbled two unmatched concepts.
xh: Well, there was a case when he described appendicitis treatment with a robot probe through his ass, but then changed his mind and let the robot through his mouth, because "so aesthetic".)))
It wasn’t about it, it was about beautiful! He loved the beautiful. Where does he have that?
In the "Heart of the Serpent" Somewhere there is a comment from Efremov himself that when he changed the point of entry, he forgot to rewrite the sequence of intestines that the robot slips, and so it went to the print to the confusion of readers, in the letters delicately pointed to the author on the mistake.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №146302
I stopped using non-normative vocabulary. I try to be polite and pleasant in communication everywhere. I often call loved ones and relatives with kind words, such as "Dear, dear, sweet" and so on. There are already results: contextual advertising instead of dating single women offers dating single men.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №146301
How to fight alcoholism?
YYY: Do not drink!
XXX: No to drink. It doesn’t drink only because it sleeps during the day and is not sold at night.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №146300
You said you didn’t drink?
WOW: Buffy probably was...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №146299
>>> Clean your clothes, clean your potatoes, uff.. how did you get this nonsense! I’m out, I don’t even take off my shoes when I go to bed.

Comrade of Army! Do not sleep in office.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №146298
Pavlik: In Egypt, treaties with Israel are hidden from the people. Not to be angry.

Xen0n: Can you get more details? How is this possible in today’s Internet society? What if now the Egyptian postpones the anchor, opens the ZH and reads this comment?

Pavlik: Trust the native leaders, not the devils of the internet.

Why did you believe the devils of the internet? There are no treaties, only the devils are lying.

Pavlik: I am a Jew. We boast of cooperation with our neighbors.

dr_kkv: It is they cheating you to hide the secret absence of contracts!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №146297
We have an ideal family. The husband is a swint, he really does not notice the dirty toilet, drops on the mirrors, dust on the shoes... a bunch of cats will go around on the machine, but will not remove it, because in his consciousness it will not be reflected, he is busy with serious thoughts... And I have poor vision! It’s very bad, and I just don’t see it...yes, we don’t get cleaned up...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №146296
There was a universal answer to "we invite you not a free survey".
Do you collect Russian biomaterials for the CIA? Leave your phone number and you will be called back".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna