— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №151238
Comments on the picture of the grandmother with a big dildo on the belt:

XXX: So good (especially if you fit in the back)

yyy: Here is where the importance of the right ending is seen.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №151237
XXX has happened. How does a gentle maiden, with whom he was captivately acquainted at work, say, "What is busy tomorrow?" Oh, I think it’s crazy, cheesecake? He had wanted to say that he was married and all that, but it turned out that he was calling in another MLM.

Yyy: Loool, I was invited by a friend, with whom I had not seen for a hundred years, to some march of sellers of some Chinese health goods (network marketing, off-shore). I, in fact, went, sat there, listened to the whine, then went with her swollen into the pub, and the next day I called her to me and we slept. He did not enter the pyramid. But I realized that network marketing is sometimes useful.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №151236
When I was young, I met a girl, and she offered to go for a walk to the bay in her car. Upon arrival, she got half a fried chicken grill, saying that we went to these restaurants with untaxable prices (we had somewhere 23 and cars we had rugged eight and nine), and let’s eat. After such a lunch and a walk, when we had already penetrated each other, she confidently showed me her gas pistol in her bag and said that if the chicken did not go, and I would be a maniac, then she was in principle ready.

Should I say that I fell in love with her. and :)

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №151235
When I read the shocking stories about “mothers” and “fathers,” I remembered the case, it is probably quite insignificant, but after such an upbringing, I hope that there will be more such parents in our lives than these strange creatures who put their child at the head of the corner for the whole world.

A woman is cleaning in the courtyard. A woman of age and also a disabled person is quite choking. And here once she dared her main autumn "enemy" - leaves in small clusters throughout the perimeter of the site, brought a car, on which there is always a large box to collect this same leaf. She picked up a couple of pieces in a box, then sat down on the bench and went somewhere. Somewhere in an hour I went out for a walk with the dog and saw that all the clusters were scattered again in the courtyard, the car was turned over, and a few young children were tortured near the car, 7-10 years old - one grabbed the mill and pulled it, pushing the collected sheets, the other struck the box and tried to ride on that car, the third pined the box and already broke a hole in it.

I began to get upset, tried to call them to answer, a neighbor joined me on the balcony, but the children, showing us the tongues, with a whispered run away. And then the palace woman came back, saw this ugliness and began to cry. As she said, I forgot to take a pill and went home, and here's what. I was so sorry for this woman, I tried to calm her as much as I could, promised after a walk with the dog to go out again and help her. And then I saw a couple approaching us – a man and a woman, who hand-held one of those guys who caused this chaos. It turns out that they live in the opposite house (they moved recently) and saw the scene of my outrage and their son throwing a hammer and silencing behind that hammer.

The parents apologized to the courtyard themselves, forced the son to apologize, asked the woman for the same mill and sat in the yard until their son grabbed the whole leaf and took it out to the trash. But that is not all. For a week I watched this boy go out to the courtyard early in the morning with his wreath, grinding rubbish and bringing all kinds of order. Even the palace woman had already said to him, "Go, child, I am not angry with you, you already understood everything," but he silently melted, folded the leaves in a bag and dragged it and so on until the courtyard became clean...

I sincerely hope that the boy will understand the weight of other people's work and show respect for him, and also sincerely thank the parents for their upbringing.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №151234
Whoever stood up first should feed the cat.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №151233
The words of a friend.

How to behave in case of fire.

In any extreme situation, including fire, the main thing is not to panic.

In the early 1970s, I was still in school, we lived in the ninth floor. There were four apartments on each staircase. On our, besides us, in two apartments lived old women, who rarely visited home, and another family: dad, mom, daughter, who was a few years younger than me, and a little dog. What my mother was doing - I don't remember, and my dad was a marine geologist, engaged in marine oil exploration.

On the upper floor lived a man who usually went out to smoke on the staircase and threw cigarettes down to our floor. It could not end well, and it did not end.

That day, my dad and I took my grandmother to the clinic and my mother stayed at home. When we returned, the women who lived on our staircase cage tried to wash off the walls.

The neighbor from above threw a thinning straw down, and from it the dermatine covering of the door of our neighbor-geologist burned. The fact of the accidental fire was never proven, although firefighters found the hose, and no one smoked on our staircase cage. My mother was about to go out to throw the garbage and before opening the door, she looked in her eyes. Seeing the fire, she panicked, for some reason went to the bathroom, closed the water, and then ran to call the firefighters. In the same state of panic, she first went to the ambulance. The ambulance told her which number to call, and she called the fire department. By this point, she was already so enchanted that she and the address could not say, but the operator, having asked a couple of suggestive questions, understood where she was calling, and said that they had already left.

And they left because the firefighters had already called the neighbor-geologist. With that sixth sense, he realized that their door was burning, looked in the eye, convinced himself of the correctness of his arguments and organized everyone. The woman told her not to open the entrance door in any case, otherwise the passageway would pull fire into the apartment. Instead, he told his wife to water the door from the inside. The daughter told her to take the bathtub on her hands and move on to the neighboring balcony. In our houses there was one balcony for two apartments with different entrances, separated by a small partition. He himself took the phone. He first called the firefighters, then called the neighbors from below. But he did not start screaming about the fire, but first apologized for the call at the untimely time, asked how they were doing and only then said: by the way, we are burning, come to extinguish us, and gave instructions how to do it.

By the time the firefighters arrived, the fire had already ended. Firefighters only broke the door of the missing retirees, as it crumbled, drafted a protocol and left.

This "main thing without panic" applies not only to fire.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №151232
I have no loans. Therefore, for me, the word "collector" is just a big tube with shit.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №151231
We also do not drink and do not advise anyone, but to distinguish - it is always easy for us, the sister opened a bowl of condensation and pierced her palm, fainted from shock, her husband came, saw the blood and wife in it, called the police, an ambulance, and he ran down to meet them, fell on the stairs, broke his head, lost consciousness, the ambulance arrived quickly, all are alive and relatively healthy. Panic does not lead to good.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №151230
I recently bought a new swimsuit, which periodically began to "feed" at the exit of the store. I searched everything, no magnetic tape, nothing was found. I went and searched a couple of times. Today, I’ve been back in “Lent” once again. I explained my problem to the cashier, she touched my jacket and, in the hood under her fur, finally found the source of my food – a plastic magnet.

Well be inclined. - said the seller and pulled me under the shelf, where she had a device for detoxification.

I bowed, I was "thrown", but most of all in this situation I was delighted by the commentary of one grandmother, who repeated in turn: yes, punish, punish her.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna