— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The insulted:

This is one of the most important things in the world.
Less stereotypes and stereotypes, friends. He did not speak, but conducted a parallel. A buffalo who has acquired courtesy and confidence that he must make parking, is absolutely like a buffalo who has acquired a smoking habit and confident that he must now make room for smoking. Of course, it is funny about Zoe. He did not write otherwise. He swore at first to be neutral.
This is one of the most important things in the world.

Well, judging by the emotional words "be" and "coryto", you are VERY annoyed by smokers and motorists as such. By the way, I don’t have cars (no need), for other people’s cars and their owners. Regarding HGH, I did not understand the humor: I personally do not tell other people how to treat their health, which I wrote about. Only and everything.

Okay, I end the discussion, there is too much controversy here. All the world!
P.s I try to revive the tradition of writing anecdotes in messages:
by Peter. The Winter. A police officer is cold on the street.
A stranger stops, a Japanese comes out and asks the postman:
Fukisinaki Tutuyama Arimikoku Basai Coca-Cola.
The Military:
“Sorry, I didn’t quite understand you.You are asking where you can buy a bottle...what?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna