— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Meeted by chance with friends, whom they had not seen for a long time, went with them to "Yakitoria", to sit a little and talk calmly. Two companies with babies quickly reduced our desire to nothing... Whispering children’s whispers on the backdrop of psychedelic music...irritated devotions of mothers to the whole restaurant, who were distracted by the children who woke up from the feast...
Why 15 years ago, when our children were young, we didn’t even think of dragging them to a restaurant, or dragging them with us to families where there are no small children? There was no one to leave with, so they sat at home. For some reason, it didn’t stress us. Maybe because our children were not accidental, but long-awaited and desired?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna