— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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House of 5 floors. 3 apartments on the floor. 10 of them are small. Accordingly, their t/s on their venues, (who could not raise, leaves on the first floor). Everything goes well and no one is bothered. A wheelchair was stolen. I found. Long beating at the entrance with the words:"You, the fox, the child stole." We would have for one hint to personally raise and drop the wheelchair to the floor. It doesn’t matter if you work or not. With the village three zones, therefore, the concepts correspond.
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Here we have already spoken of children as an indulgence from all sins, and I will probably agree. Covering a child is the last thing. Your child does not give you any right to block public spaces. You have your own apartment for your personal things. I had to drag a new couch to my fifth floor, which could hardly fit into the stairs and with sin spread halfway between the floors. What would I do with him at your house? Should I still play Tetris with your wheelchairs?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna