— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In short, I have appreciated. Nothing like a toy. What can I say from the course:
0 is free. People, in principle, are not foolish.
1) For the delivery of any bugs, even small ones, give the game currency
The Count is pleasant, though with a crack under the fool. The stone does not load.
All in Russian! And some lack of censorship %)
4) Realistic AI, a lot of talking SMART NPCs...=)

For example, I pumped a cybernetic and assembled some device from the details. It’s called "Open" One button and one screen.

Well, I make Persia click. I thought, baby - and say goodbye to spare parts, and it asked for money %) I entered a bill for the sample "50 rubles"

Publishes: "Opanah, the sniper proe*al the table! And it" I thought, the bag said, that I will give up to the admin. I decided to check on every firefighter - a sting again, a half more. The answer is "Aha! What did I say!" I love our developer :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna