— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My wife and I decided to have a family drink. entered the vineyard. We can’t drink the same, so everyone chooses for themselves. Her liquor is expensive, 350 g, I whisker cheaper. I have 150-200 grams of norm for the evening, but if a liter is taken, it is proportionally significantly cheaper, the rest is in the closet about the stock. My look, let’s scream: "Where are you so much, are you not an officel? Eat what you decided to do tomorrow at work". This situation has been repeated many times and I have been struggling to explain. The mood was not very good, Hummour was silent.
After the wine went to the food shop. My buy sugar, ask, give kilos. I say, wait, why do you? It is like drinking tea. I turn to the saleswoman and say, “Give me 2 teaspoons of sugar, please.” My mother turned to me, opened her mouth and hanged. I see it slowly coming...
Since then, I’ve never been bothered how much I’ve taken home.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna