— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 18 - ]
My husband went to the guard, I missed the wild. One conversation on the phone:
I: How is the work going? Do you meet the deadlines?
M: And Harry knows him. It is possible that not quite...
I am NOO! Let's go, and come soon... or I have such a porn girl dreams at night... and not only with you, and not in the only number at a time... I sometimes regret that I was not born German and did not finish some institute of cinema... all the other porn producers would nervously smoke around the corners and crack off from the absence of buyers...
If you knew that periodically dreams of me... with you in the main role... you would already pack your suitcases, change citizenship and passport details...
Friendly Gogot men on the back. The kids are missing...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna