— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Each library had its own internal fund. My God, how many beautiful rare publications have I read at that time. Some of this I managed to buy now, but unfortunately not all. And I was allowed there because I read a lot and fast.
It is...
The same story. She read her favorite classical fiction book, ordering books from the warehouse. In the reading room. Moreover, it was necessary to read the book at most during the weekend, so that they didn’t go back into the basement and didn’t have to wait again for it to be found. I was sitting in the library from opening to closing, going out as if after a drink... and now you can completely legally pump books... to the entire rural library. You can buy it from Amazon in English. Put in a money Chinese tablet and read what you want, when you want and where you want. Well, at least for that, let it live "today"!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna