— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ]
I am 25, I work at home, in my free time or read books, or I write or construct something useless. I also do sports at home - hats, doya press, pressing

Here is where to go.

Gather money, order a scissor on the Internet, finally scatter those candles with which you were tied to the battery, and get out of the house. At work, friends, almost nobody gets acquainted, and in free time you can also look like some kind of fitness (not in the swing - there are men, namely, more "female" types of physical training). You can volunteer: deprived children, lonely old people, abandoned animals. Good girls are heart-sick, plus in such "unrepresentable" places with often dirty and heavy physical labor do not appear.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna