— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This is "the call":
XHH: Part of the work involves finding customers to provide our services.
In 90% of cases, you get into incompetent persons who try to hide you, responsible for the responsible person. Starting to load on the specialty, he eventually gives up, and tells who specifically has them in the company knows about this issue.
I want to ask openly!!! Do you have anything to do?! to
The Mudil! Please do not waste my time watching!
And how many of you call each day, with the same proposals that we did not fit in X**. Especially pleased are the examples asking for non-existent people who never existed and never existed. Not so long ago, one caller tried to pair us a product, the supplier of which we are for this company. They were all in the office. The director did not believe this story until the sent commercial offer was revealed. What to say, some "professional" on the phones.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna