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This biologist

The teeth are chewing. They are very difficult to tear a piece of meat out of the body, but they are ideal to crush a bunch of grass fine. There are livelihoods. They can’t chew the food, they crack it and swallow it.
And now, pay attention to the question: what eyes and teeth has the human being awarded evolution and what parallels do you see?
In a person, the teeth are just chewing - the cutters and root teeth are dull, unlike the cutting conical teeth of predators, and the lower jaw moves in all planes. And pigs and pigs have, this is a weapon that can be purely defensive.
What, of course, does not make a person "herbivorous" - normal all-eating, grass can not be completely digested, a large amount of raw meat - too, to kill and disassemble a large prey is not able. Natural food - fruits, roots and, if applicable, small animals, as in all primates. Lemur, chimpanzees and bear grills

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna