— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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to this:
He passed excellent EGE in physics and inf, decided not to waste his talent in vain. I chose to enter one of the best universities in Russia, specifically the department, which teaches on the profile of Optics and physics of nanostructures. Directly the latest technology, teachers are almost all scientists with a degree, etc. I found a group of students and employees of this department VKontakte. The first topic in the discussions: "Let’s not cheat anymore?" It seems I’m starting to suspect that we have a country with science about O_O
Do not judge by one fact. Not so long ago there was a far from exceptional case when the glory of American and world science (indigenous American, which is uncharacteristic) decided after the conference to prove that Americans can drink more than the Russians. The end of the resulting derby few people remembered, counted for nothing.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna