— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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#16 2014-07-23 21:10
We had a case. To the man at the dacha came bombs to climb. Well, he, in order to teach them, put the poison in a bottle and left it on the table - the same type. The gods of this meal shrunk and gave the soul to God. The man was convicted of deliberate harm to his health, which resulted in death, well or so. The real deadline.

Well, it’s an old bike, we had tougher.
My grandmother used the mushrooms (for herself!!!) He went into the cave. And the mushrooms were either incorrect, or they were spoiled, in general, 2 thieves were trapped, breaking 1) the gate, 2) the door of the house, 3) the cover of the basement (everything was on the castles, they were pulled out with meat). The thieves were barely left alive. So they filed a complaint against the grandmother, they were judged. Conditionally 2 years. They were not just imprisoned for age. So be careful when you cook something, or suddenly take someone, unintentionally.
In such cases, the main thing is to deny the intent: a bear trap stood on a rat, poison in vodka for rubbing the radiculite, bricks on the roof for repairing the extractor... And the grandmother was not lucky with the lawyer (or the thieves were lucky with relatives)...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna