— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From baby :

I finally got a bowl!!! to
I never cooked for him, then I decided, I am a woman, so I should cook it at least once! I cooked on Sunday, only yesterday they ate, I didn't make pictures.I did a chicken soup from under the strawberries (my husband cooked strawberries twice on it), with cabbage, potatoes and sausages (you need something meat)
The funniest thing is my husband liked it!! He praised him so much, I was so happy that I became a real wife.
How do you prepare Borsch?

How is it in the water where the peelings have been boiled twice?! to

1- He not only cooked them on the water, but with chicken bouillon, which is dissolved, with green.At the same time, and peelmesque as in the restaurant, and borscht to the surprise of all of the officinals is delicious=)

3- bugayo-moyo, 5 day borscht on peelmouth washes a day ago, with the addition of a chemical bouillon (I even have a cat like this to grind started) and she’s sorry... in peelmouth restaurants... his mother so... and what about Ekaterinburg so harsh)))
That is, the borst was with the cabbage (!Quote: "We need something meat", no one was surprised? OOO

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna