— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The hero of this story, Boris, now lives in Israel. And in his youth he lived in Baku and worked there in the nursery. The Electric.

In the same building with the maternity house was housed a women’s consultation. There, Bore was given a small room where he could sit waiting for calls and fill out the necessary papers. The room was in the middle between the cabinets, where two honored gynecologists took the reception. On the doors of the cabinets hanged luxurious black with gold tablets listing all their ranks and titles. Bora looked, and he also put a sign on his door - very modest, without any regalies, only the name and the initials.

And he barely fixed the tablet and took up the papers, as if a woman entered the room. Before Boris had time to say anything, she hit him with a stream of complaints about her intimate problems. Boris, it should be noted, was a great fan of women and understood their problems as if not better than in electricity. He did not get confused, sat the stranger on the couch, asked in detail and even touched a little. Unfortunately, he did not have a watchchair. He said goodbye, and the woman was pleased. Almost immediately after her came a second woman, then another. Before lunch, Boris had time to receive five visitors, then he was called and called to fix the delivery.

On the way back, he was caught on the stairs by both honored gynecologists and in a categorical form, threatening with physical punishment, demanded that the tablet be removed immediately. Boris got up on the eths and saw that the chairs for visitors in front of both cabinets were empty, but a long row was built in front of his door. Conscious babies massively ignored Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Magomedov and member-correspondent of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Azerbaijani SSR Alimhanov and all like one wanted to be treated with the humble doctor B.Y.Lifshitz.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna