— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Someone is wrong on the internet:

Stewardesse with "forbidden", which was obtained by "compatriots".
You should transfer to truly “international” flights from anywhere from Asia or Africa, and not in the direction of Turkey-Egypt-Spain... That you would have to stumble upon a wild straw in the cabin, explain to the locals what to wash in the toilet and solve problems when all the toilets are filled with paper and towels. I would look at you as if you reacted to the chaotic movement of black people and Chinese, Indians and ubiquitous Americans in the lobby of the greedy to communicate with each other, who, as advertised, move in groups, creating traffic jams in the passages. Are you talking in the room after the Russians? Dress, how did it go?
Flying for a month on these lines you will become a fierce patriot.
When will you realize that someone’s bad behavior doesn’t automatically make your behavior good? Just because someone can scratch you in the head doesn’t mean you have to be grateful for being “just a scratch.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna