— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ]
Hunting you in the morning, not up to the end,
to make such a wild
"running" with swallowing butter whole? I am
I wake up 3.5 hours before work.
The day. I keep cats, cook them food, run for them.
A circle around the house, then rest.
I wash in a warm bath, calm.
Breakfast reading and watching.
News... I dress, I hair... and then
Half hour walk to work.
Practically in any weather.
of ice). The day began smoothly and pleasantly.
It will continue until the evening at the beloved.
of work. At least I don’t sneeze my nose, though.
I actually sleep very little at night.

At what time do you start your working day?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna