— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ]
Professor of Psychology David
Rosemary held
An interesting experiment.
He selected eight.
The normal people,
They all turned to
psychiatric clinics, such as "concerned about
and mental health" all
They talked about themselves and their
The Truth, Except
One detail – they supposedly hear.
The voices speaking
"Empty","Deaf", "stitch". All of them
Doctors thought they were mentally ill.
They were all directed to
The clinics.
None of the doctors knew that
They are completely healthy.
After publication of the results, all
The clinics put them under.
I doubt, stating that such mistakes are impossible.
Rosemary repeated.
The experiment says it will
There is another number of them.
Imaginary sick people.
Clinics are careful.
Diagnosed in 193
41 patients were treated.
Diagnosis of "pseudopathic"
In fact, the professor is not
He sent none.
of man.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna