— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Day of the VVD, evening. On the shore, the individual bunches are celebrated quite loudly, and one such group celebrates quite annoyingly and obviously seeks a reason to "stand up" for the Motherland and invade the opponent. At first they tried to understand each other, but here a guy with a frigid appearance was very successful at hand: bright youth clothes, an independent look. The crowd quickly surrounds him, the usual questions - "and what is it with you, and how, what, why?" Finally, the main question is, “Do you know what day is today?” That was their biggest mistake! The boy without thinking loudly whispers like a machine gun: "Today is the 84th anniversary of the Airborne Army, counting back from the first landing of 12 landers at the exercises under Voronezh. The first commander of the Air Force is Vasily Filipovich Margelov, the distinctive form of the landers is the beret and the teal, the motto of the Air Force - "Nobody but us!“Glory to the VVD!” The crowd - in the cloud about (split) - how, the prey collapses and how it collapses. The young man repeated: “Glory to the VDV! With a celebration!” Appropriate more convicted calves, "Glory to the VDV!For VDV, brotherhood, peace in the world, friendship. A guy gets a bottle with someone; gets a bottle, spills, chokes. They all differ in their ways. As Suvorov said, “To surprise is to win.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna