— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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And why did she lead you to a psychiatrist, not a neurologist or neurologist? It would be much more logical, and such a specialist is in almost every clinic, psychiatrists are much less common.
It seems to me that you do not agree on something, and that is the hidden and hidden cause of your problems.
= = = = = = = = =
In 1984, I remember that very well. My mother drove me to a psychiatrist (what I learned about him at the school medical commission in the military department). Because everything is not fine with me and I heard the TV SICK (LAMP "HORIZON"). There is no whisper, though. She does not hear him. In the 94th, he moved to Sumy, and then to Kiev, until this moment he was a "psycho". So don’t ask about female logic.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna