— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Fourth Nash:
by this:

...Because everything is not fine with me and I heard the TV’s sound (the “Light Horizon”). There is no whisper, though. She doesn’t hear him...
I had the same fist. He ate, and no one believed me. I did not go to the psychiatrist.

And I still hear some chargers, stuck in the socket, choking. I am 21.
The fact is that the younger a person is, the higher the frequency sound can catch his ear. Therefore, children and adolescents hear what people in their 30s are no longer available.

I still guessed whether it was a shade or not... As a child I could because of the closed door to determine whether the telecast works or not. I felt an electromagnetic field. Now 25, I hear some loads and I can hardly tolerate ultrasound removal of the toothstone - the machine feeds loudly and disgustingly. The dentist was surprised, said, no one complained about the sound.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna