— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Disrespectful poopers! Do not forget copywriting. Powders have authors. It is done this way:
Yesterday for a ballad.
Where my naked friend jumped
I got 100,000 likes.
And in the sword.
When you take a steep step
A healthy pathway
From every corner it smells so good.
by B0JI
The poem is called powder.
Jamb, size by slang 9, 8, 9, 2
Only strict letters
4 is 2 and 4 lines - Rhythm
5 is 1 and 3 lines - rhyme or not as desired
Signs of interruption - absent
Here is another for you:
I fear and fear the body of a virgin.
Usually the coward is a coward.
The girl whispers more loudly.
not cowardly
© Bredoed
He said Gagarin.
Checked the belt.
with his hand added quietly.
to me
by Tsai

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna