— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 52 - ]

Yesterday I watched a picture in the store of communications and discs:
A man stands, looks at the discs (looking for a long time, because he drank decently), then gives the seller:
- You can buy the disc, the son asked.
What a disc?
- Oh, I will remember (I will take my head) - he gives - "Stand and roll"!
The Seller: What?
- Well the disc is called "Stand and roll"... oh! ... no, somehow... "Let’s lie and blues"... yes, in my opinion, so... - Burovit about himself: - Lie and blues... no.. run and rock.. oh... no, fuck how he... rrrr! I will call my son!
He gets the pipe, ticking his index finger on the buttons (like by the sensor and not bringing the phone to the ear, turns on a loud communication and waits - go swings... the son takes the pipe, and then follows a dialogue, after which the whole store just lay (and I included)!
What is the name of this dish, fucking?? to
by CD-RW
Sidi and Rwi!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna