— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This is what we are talking about, and you with your screams I will take away from myself - I will give the child, only corrupt your children, growing out of them selfish and egocentric.

I confirm it with my personal example. My parents used me and I grew up to be selfish. This greatly prevents being a good person and establishing relationships. Because even if the brain knows how to do the right thing, the nature inside presses you to do differently, and you often realize that you have behaved like a selfish fool after the act.

I love my parents very much – they are good people and wanted the best. But guys, please – don’t have the "all the best for children"... by suppressing my selfishness I don’t become happier. I want to be better than I am inside, but it is almost impossible to re-educate.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna