— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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1) The law of Dima Yakovlev is caused precisely by the increased cases of violence against adopted children from Russia in the United States (and others). The most important (and the most important!) - The courts of these countries issued extremely mild sentences for the culprits. Case accumulated year after year, we thought that the diplomatic can be changed the position of these countries, that this is not systemic. And the case with the unfortunate Dima became, as it is called, the last drop. Per, of course, a number of drops and added the "magnetic law", but it is not necessary to attribute evil intent where it is not.
Even himself, "Hope and Support of All Childhood of the Russian Federation", Astakhov was unable to answer the question "How many Russian children in the same period were killed by adoptive parents in the Russian Federation and how many in other countries?" Informal sources say that for two dozen cases in the U.S. (for N years) there are several hundred or even thousands of cases in the Russian Federation. And that doesn’t count Russian children killed by their own parents. Until, in support of the Dima Yakovlev law, the authorities have not presented the relevant official statistics instead of emotional screams – I will not believe that the problem is in the United States.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna