— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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There was a time when, at the journal factory of the Moscow University, such a Kurdyum taught ancient and medieval literature. It was a legendary grandmother: still alive! In the morning, they all jointly entered her in the classroom, put a horse on the table before her, threw off the door and poured notes out of his belly on the table. You have understood, no? The Trojan Horse!! to
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A terrible story. Here is mine:
We (211 school, SPb) had a cool teacher of chemistry, Pavlov Evgeny Alekseevna - old, very wise, humorous and knowing their subject perfectly. She didn’t even accept any gifts, even flowers for Teacher’s Day. But we wanted to give her a gift she could not refuse.
And we had an eternal problem with spirits: there were no light bulbs to light them forever. In general, just before the next holiday we all (every person in the class) bought a box of light bulbs, wrote on them instructions to future young chemists and signed with their names, put all these boxes in a three-litre bowl, decorated with some stripes or flowers, I do not remember, and in this form gave.
She took only because of the idea :) I'm still wondering if growing schoolchildren read our tips :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna