— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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of the nurse)

I signed up for a week for three to remove the moles to the surgeon. has arrived. It turned out that my surgeon broke my leg, instead of her in the office a very young surgeon (X) and nurse (M) of pre-retirement age. I explained why I came - such frightened eyes I had not even seen in my cat when seeing a vacuum cleaner.
Take a scalpel and cut it out!
X (appellant, grabbing the phone): Maybe we call I.V. and ask what to do?
I: You are scaring me!
Nothing, it is in the last row – you have a lot of time!
I won’t say it reassured me, but I took the risk. The last word of the nurse:
A praise to the youth! Like a textbook!

The nurses are driving.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna