— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I will add from myself (just the one who "learned all his life by books"):
It is not even a lack of experience here, because there is experience, although it is little, but in its mostly dark shade. Judge yourself, when at 20 you fall in love for the first time (remember, ideas about relationships grow only from different kinds and quality of books) and try to behave as you think that people who love each other behave, you have almost no chance to notice that next to you is the last bastard. Well, then how lucky I am... I am not lucky.
I started working at the age of 14, and spent the rest of my time taking care of the elderly and the little ones. I didn’t have any friends or relatives I could ask for advice from, but then I hoped that books would really help me learn something. And you know, now I understand that such lucky people like me would be better at all to be one, because it’s really easier. Yes, you will be lonely, but no one will betray or hurt you for being a fool from another planet, believing that sincerity, honesty and loyalty at least value something in this “normal” world of “experienced” people.
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Bone for 34 years.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna