— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Wake up rescuers.

Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishermen of men and not of fish.” They immediately left the nets and followed him. (Mark 1:16-18)

I did not catch fish in the water, but people. The MISIS swimming center was a pleasant obligation to rescue a month in Pitsund. Ordinary students flocked and praised with their tails on the trade commission parket, picturing a promised trip to the camp, and we were driven there in order.
A full lava. In your full disposal a house on the shore, two boats and all the babies in the district. The holy thing man does. Yes, plus-all as a selection of athletes.The burned and muscular-passion what souls.
It is a sin not to let such white teeth go.
If they weren’t resting, I would have them... with this stupid habit of drowning anywhere.
Everything is like about the firefighter in the anecdote: "The collective is soulful in our calculation, the brand master-father of the native, feed until the fall - but as a fire - so at least resign!"
We first met the boss. The rushed drunk Micheich - in the past, the navy "box" was the brightest personality. Externally, it resembled the twisted passages with its short curved legs and huge streams, swirling to the knees. The strength was simply incredible.
From the fleet to the rescuers he was spared because once did not count the malech gave a brown sailor in a dungeon, and that through a falchboard take and bulk into the water.
It was a good deal in the area.
Micheich pulled him out, pursuing him. The headquarters appreciated the talents of the Mitchman and dismissed the hero from the fleet, arranging him to work on his vocation.

Upon arrival Micheich spent a couple of classes with us.He impressed us, nothing to say.
It must be said that the real lifetimes of rescue on the water are radically different from those charitable posters that adorn any OSVOD station.
I remembered :
The client is digging, not digging, first and foremost, a strike in the dune of him! And then the hair.
Otherwise, you will get rid of him. Together you will sink to the fucking...
I have to say that to send in the water in the drum, with a rause in the end, the matter is far from easy. There is no resistance. You have to jump out of the water and hit the top. This is the difficult thing Micheich taught us.
from his instructions.
If an ambulance arrives to pick up, look at both, what would be indicated in the papers, that the rescue activities were carried out with him. Or it is easy for pathanatoms to put a violent death - how many times the ribs were broken with artificial breathing - not counting. You get bored to write papers...
And the main:
- Found a dwarf of the night afternoon - drag it to the neighbors to the site. Call me in the lie.
Then they will be registered, not you. There is paper writing dark. Even the prizes can be deprived.Well, and be careful that they don’t get yours.
Subsequently, we regularly conflicted with the neighboring station on this matter. It often came to Morocco. The paintings were Hellenistic-a group of half-naked men in the rays of the dawn sun beat a friend of harry over the deceased. The Battle of the Trojan and the Greeks for the body of Patroll in pure form.
Not for, but against.
Patroll was defeated along with all the accompanying hemorrhoids.

But, despite the alcoholism-order in the house, Micheich supported absolutely the navy. No hell in our area during the day did not sink, no matter how we tried.

I remembered my first forever. There was a big uncle. and loud. He drank a bottle of water with seawater and sharply changed the tone with "Paashli all our!" (in response to our cries in the matyuhalnik about buys, back, and those de), on “Oh, blah, tannou!”
By the way, it is rare. Drowners, as a rule, people are quiet - humility and lack of air do not allow them to scream. It voted for the whole district. Exclusively a mate.
We approach the boat and throw around. The imagination broke. His hands scratch on the water, his skin is scratched out, and Nihren does not understand. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. Buriing closer risky-turns the boat as bad to do. I dive, swim to the beautiful. I remember Mitchell’s lessons.
and NNNA!
Fuck, I got through my nose... He shrugged right away.The man is astonished by the eagle’s eyes on me.
Again by the way. He just broke his lips and scratched his fist at his teeth.
The man's amazement has no limits.He probably did not imagine the process of rescue on the water.
Together with him behind this impressive picture, the beach is observed.
What a fucking thing in the eye...
To the man touches, that the thing is bad, he sharply increases the flooding and quite sharply falls away from me.
and NNNA!
Those are Irods! What are you doing? From the shore came the shout of indignant spectators.
But I am not to them. He entered Rage.
You will not go, fuck! I will save you anyway!
Finally, I get into a man’s neck. FFF, finally that is. Riding my hair, fuck, tear it off, and pull in the boat again. Three of them pulled him.
We took the motorcycle, approached the shore and woke up. He immediately threw on me. I meet him with a pair in the throat rescued flying overboard. They jump and run to the shore. I follow him somehow. I only manage to get him in the ass - the beautiful man with a sharp spurt goes to the gap.People with a whisper run out of our way.The legs are hanging in the sand, I slow down - this pig is carrying without dealing with the road.It carries a fungus, not slowing down the run.It jumps through two beds-without touching. Fuck you like that. And why is it, in fact, I run-in, finally, in my head?
The client is alive, healthy, in a beautiful tone, what else can I help him?
The car hit me all over the beach. But Mikhailich, with the help of свояak in the mindset, settled the question.
Even a handshake, which for him, expensive to praise, meant:
The Beautiful! Keep it so!
After that, military discipline was established on our site. No one was swimming close to the bucks.
It was worth anyone to try the sunny-yourself citizens caught the brave for swimming.
You hear it from far away, whisper! Here are the rescuers! Named man for the bucks swam-they drove him like this! All the roots of violence fled from them! If I had not fled, I would have killed the naked!
Maybe there were no drowners.
and Amen.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna