— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Why all this? Flirting, conditioning or silence? I liked the guy - I approached and said "you like me". He said to me "You too". No - "sorry, but I don't like you" or "I like another". There would be fewer lonely people and fewer problems.

Why, why... Then, that there will always be a fool, who is right to do nothing, from his glamorous blades he decided to rest for a week, and here - Oops, a new impression and straight into his hands goes. And he will tell you "daaa, I like you too!". Shakes and smells. In the best case. And this shy man then half-life in complexes. And, by the way, I'm talking about everyone, a shy girl is not only a girl, but also a boy, a fool is not necessarily a man, girls-fools are also. Like the glamorous men's blunders, although here I would clarify for every case. Therefore, it is necessary to arrange the dancing of sick crows in order to determine whether a good person is in front of you or better hands on your feet and run away from him.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna