— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This has always been interesting to me. What is the desire of people to bring their circles of communication together? In my opinion, caregivers should be separately, friends - separately, work - separately, relatives - separately. Ideally, everything is separately. For example, I have two close friends. They saw each other three times per hour, no more. Each saw my boyfriend from once to two and a half. My father saw both a girlfriend and a boyfriend about the same frequency. I saw the boys of my friends and other friends of my friends with the same frequency. And it lasts for years. And I intend to continue this. I am not interested in any kind of "relatives and acquaintances" of the rabbit, the rest of the surroundings of people close to me. I only care about them themselves. Why Divorce an Excessive Family?
It was Santa Barbara.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna