— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I have always been annoyed by people who are always dissatisfied with the weather on the street, no matter what the weather is. And here, finally forcing myself to read classical literature, I found the most remarkable description:
"Listen to us, so the weather is always bad. She is the government: always and for everything it is the fault. In summer we say that we have nothing to breathe because of the heat, in winter that the cold is just deadly; in spring and autumn we condemn the weather because it is neither cold nor hot to us, and we dream that it will solve this issue in one way or another. If the sun shines, we say that in the village everything dies without rain; if it rains, we pray for good weather. If the snow has not fallen in December, we repugnantly ask where our glorious old winters have gone, and we argue as if we have been deceived by what has long been bought and paid for; and when the snow comes, we use expressions unworthy of a Christian. We will be dissatisfied until each of us makes our own weather and uses it personally. If we can’t do that, we’d rather do it without any weather.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna