— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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TonyaBane: I am studying as a lawyer. The body, in which the couples take place, directly adjacent to the department of forensic examination and the hall of farewell to the deceased. Simply put, a crowd of students crawl by the sorrowful every day, and I am one of them. There is a small likelihood of a collision with these same, sorry lords, who have died, during their "movement" from the morrow to the farewell hall. In a few years, they looked enough and more for me the meeting with these subjects ceased to be extraordinary. At the beginning of spring (when the snow is still everywhere, but already begins to melt and unpleasant ice areas are formed) at 8 a.m. I cheerfully and cheerfully melted into pairs. From the doors of the morga slowly two sanitarians with the subject on the bearings, in order to immerse him in the catapark. Without paying much attention to this action, I calmly pass by. Then there is an incredible satanic vaccanaly. The guy, walking a little ahead of me, slides and stretches right under the feet of one of the sanitary workers. The entire unstable structure, along with the sage on the bearings, finds itself on the ground in a few seconds, the deceased from falling the ropes on his arms and legs are torn, three of them live on the ice. Honestly, I grew up with punks, practiced at the local ROVD, my uncle was a loader, but I heard of such nuclear mother structures for the first time.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna