— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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System Administrator in the Office

Jedi admines are looking for a capable fallovan!
If you are attracted:
Complicated Sysadmin tasks
IQ concentration per square meter
A worthy “white” sp and full soc. package
Large and bright office in the city centre
Cakes and fruits!
If you are:
Submitted with distinction regulation on assembly/disassembly of computer
You know what the IP package looks like.
You love the command line more than the windows
Celebrate the Birthdays of Stallman and Torvalds
You constantly learn and learn new things.
You can solve user problems.
You can come to work without being late.
Dream of working in a professional team.
Not yet an eagle, but no longer a bird.
Leave it all and go to the summary!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna