— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Everyone usually takes me to the forest. The first trees. Only taxi drivers come home.
HH: Don’t have to be here! If you say, “Stop near the forest,” I’ll stop there.
You offered me somehow to drive: "Why didn't you say that you should turn around? (Or you don’t know the road, besides, I’m sitting behind it) Now you don’t turn here, it’s how much to go now, then go back, then go back again, bla bla bla, "Stop here, opposite the gas station". I ran through the track, where everything is carried and accidents every day, jumped out to the gas station, where the girl at night alone is perceived as an immediate guide to action, crossed from the gas station into the forest to the path, where every 5 meters open a lookout, grown with grass, and I have a small lamp on the keys in my arsenal. But I wanted to go out of the guests myself, on the normal road, where there are no people, no hungry men, but you offered to take a ride and friends worried, how I would go alone when you are in the car. Thank you, you helped me a lot :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna