— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Toilet visits when living together:

xxxh: in the current relationship we live in a huge apartment with two bathrooms, and there are no problems of employment, confusion or smell, everyone goes to a free toilet.but this does not prevent my man from periodically breaking the door when I sit down, knocking, screaming, roaring, and screaming something like - AGAAAAA, AGAIN OZONE layer PORTICH, I ALL FEEL! :)), shut off the light and whisper to me - THAT'S YOUR EYES WAS STOPPED! and when I go out - to rush to the window, to cough hard, to wrap the window half there and there, to suck and whisper - lords, why is this for me, why, but the princesses don't worry! :)))))) at such moments I’m ready to kill him :))))))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna