— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Here, say, synchronous translator P. enters very steep and very expensive training courses. At the same time, this is all happening around - and here, therefore, British pronunciation, upper-German intonation and other cute chamber tasks. And the synchronist translator P. complains to his friend, the civil servant E., that he feels seriously confused. What will I do after my training courses? He is asking. - I invest a year of time, a lot of money and effort - and who in the current political atmosphere in a year will need Russian translators-synchronists?“Learn, learn,” said the official sadly. Don’t worry, they will be needed.” “Who, who?” the synchronist translator asks. “And in Nuremberg, in Nuremberg to translate,” replies sadly the civil servant.
Destroyed by Linor Horalik.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna