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In a burning battle about an ambulance. A friend in the one worked, told about cases when because of such challenges, but the temperature is high, the head hurts they did not have time to get to the road or an accident and save someone's life. And how many idiots they see every day you can’t even imagine.
Well, in addition, ambulance doctors are people who now have just collected a person after an accident in parts in a literal sense, and then have to go to the deadly sick to beat down the temperature.

Working with people is hard, it is well known. Once you have chosen this job, you have to get used to it. Doctors themselves are far from angels, although emergency practitioners, according to my observations, are often much more professional than those who work in hospitals.

Cold and cough on a strong frost... Believe me, it’s not a problem yet. Much worse than diarrhea with sclerosis... You run and don’t remember where.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna