— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This story was told to me by comrades "on the force part".
It happened in the early 2000s.

In Moscow, a disabled man lived quietly. He worked in the garage, made all kinds of things for the farm, which he later sold on the market through acquaintances. My wife worked in a small public office like a babysitter in a kindergarten. The son studied at the institute in Moscow, lived in a dormitory and worked. The life of this family was quiet and unpleasant - because the money was constantly lacking and the apartment was one-bedroom, but people kept and did not despair.
And one day the son, deciding to stand on his feet and help his parents meet old age with dignity, fit into an interesting and highly profitable business. He was so profitable that in a couple of months he bought a car, dressed up and brought his parents guests every week. But in the third month, things suddenly swelled, after which, in addition to the sale of the car, the guy formed a particular debt to very serious uncles. They were eager to get money by any available means, including the sale of the parent’s living space. A disabled father, joining up with his son, brought the certificates and found out that the son was in a very cleverly arranged affair. The essence of it to disclose for a long time, but as a result the son turned out to be extreme and in case of non-payment of money over him hanged a serious and quite real criminal article.
A well-known local, who preserved the remains of humanity in our difficult time, explained elaborately that behind the murderers are uncles, who are not what he is, but the head of his boss in the headquarters honors and opens the door. Therefore, there are no options with a criminal case even in theory.
A disabled father, who had never drank before, locked himself in the kitchen with a bottle and sat alone all night. In the morning he called from home to someone, asked to transmit that he was calling and stayed at home.
But nobody called back. The man drowned, drank more vodka and cried for the first time in many years.
The wife who came in the evening did not recognize the husband - he was condemned and aged in front of his eyes. Having embraced him, she began to say that the main thing is that everyone is alive and healthy, that they can go to the village and live there, even in poverty, but in love and harmony.
At that moment, the door was called. The wife opened and saw on the threshold a full-length man in an elegant costume. He gave her a bag of food and a bottle, then rushed to the disabled and hugged him. The disabled man cried, saying, “I thought you’t come.” How could I forget!” “Who are you holding me for?”
Sitting at the table, the disabled man honestly told the man who arrived everything that happened to his son in the last couple of months. They sat at the table all night, and the woman could not close her eyes behind the wall. She had never seen this person before - except for courtyard acquaintances, with whom the disabled man mastered something, he never communicated with anyone. And how can he have such acquaintances - one cognac is worth more than the whole family earned in a month of hard work.
The case was so. It was the 1960s. A distant working village. Ordinary children. Simple games and entertainment. Everything more honest and simple. Spring, but on the street the frost is the north. A group of 15 boys aged 8-12 years, having decided to test each other for courage, went to the river 7 kilometers from the village. We had to walk on the thin ice. One of the boys, deciding to show his courage, separated from the group and began to jump in the most subtle place. The ice broke and the boy was in the ice water. He went into the pit with his head. Of the 15 boys, only one was not scared. Throwing off the walnuts and the coat, he dive into the pier and with the help of other boys pulled out a barely alive boy.
7 km to the village. Both are wet, no spare clothes. The dwarf gave his palm to the drowning, the others gave what they could - on the street cold. Both were dragged to the village - the drowned man could not walk himself. The rescuers were also helped. On the way, they swore that they would all tell the same thing - that they just went to the river and the two accidentally fell under the ice. Because the village is small, the people are tough. The men were frightened and kept their word. The boy who drowned was sick for a long time, but he was very lucky and he was completely healed in a few years. The boy who saved him at the age of 11 became disabled for life. He then left the village and never met anybody from his hometown again. And before leaving, he said to the guy he saved: “I gave you life. Live by conscience. Help the people. And forget about me - trouble will come to my house - I will remember myself."
Not a dozen years have passed. The guy, who was saved by the current disabled, rose above the stars, becoming one of those who can call portraits simply by name and calmly talk to them about life.
And here, one day, the secretary said that there was a call in the reception room from an incomprehensible man, marked in the waiting sheet "always connect", but at the same time not once in all the years.
The rest you know.
The epic of this story is both joyful and sad at the same time. Yes, the "axis nest" of attackers was dispersed and erased from the face of the country. There was no loud thing, but if you take the newspapers of those years, the number of arrests and resignations was impressive. Some have destroyed their own. Someone fled abroad, feeling fried.
From all the proposed benefits, including the employment of his son to an elegant place under the "self", the man principally refused. He just reached his goodbye hand, asked for himself not to worry and to help other people.

Do good and remember that on any clever ass...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna